demonoid torrents(help me out)


Well-Known Member
well i figure potheads like torrent downloads and ive been searching for awhile now for a invitation code and cant find i was HOPING one of our RIU members is also a member of demonoid and would be nice enough to PM me a invite code.ya its prolly a longshot but they have some things i really want im a good seeder with alota new R5 dvd rips. well it would be awesome.
I was gonna hook you up but I dont have any yet.To be honest though I've never found anything on demonoid that hasn't been on thepiratebay or isohunt.I just like it because you dont have to worry about some dickhead uploading a virus
hell ya dude the pirate bay is what made me love torrents. but freakin demonoid has a whole bunch of blackberry storm games.
I haven't gotten any more invite codes since Demonoid came back online, but I see that others have sent you one.
man i cant belive how good this worked out i love how helpfull the RIU community is. i will rep now an always check back on this thread to rep agin. that is SOOOOO AWESOME thank you guys soooo much.
aye if someone could answer this question it would be great.the fourms are down on demonoid and been down for awhile but im tryin to figure out how to do Screenshots for my cam and TS rips.people get upset if you dont give a sample.

well i tryed using the snip it tool and save image and drag it but that dont work.i dont see how to do it but advice would be awesome.
demonoid is good for programs but for films i rarely use anything other than no shit on it no virii nothin but super fast downs