Dems side with Republicans to reject amendment to reduce Pentagon budget by 10%


Well-Known Member
UPDATE - 7/21/20: House rejects Progressive Caucus's 10% cut to defense spending.
  • In a 93-324 vote, the House of Representatives reject the Congressional Progressive Caucus's NDAA amendment that would cut defense spending by 10%.
  • The amendment was opposed by 185 Republicans and 139 Democrats, while 92 Democrats and Rep. Justin Amash (L-MI) supported the 10% cut.

UPDATE - 7/22/20: Senate rejects 10% defense spending cut.
  • In a 23-77 vote, the Senate rejected the amendment offered by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and Sen. Ed Markey (D-MA) to cut defense spending by 10%, or about $74 billion in fiscal year 2021.
  • No Republicans voted in favor of the Sanders amendment, which was supported by nearly half of the Senate's Democrats, including Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ), and Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN).
  • Of the Democratic senators rumored to currently be on presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden's short-list of vice presidential picks, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) was the only to vote in favor of the Sanders amendment, whereas Sens. Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) and Kamala Harris (D-CA) were among the 24 Democrats to oppose the amendment.
Attacking Democrats again with the 'left-troll'. It is either this or getting trolled from the right as 'Defund the Police' scare tactics being used by the right-trolls. If every Republican voted against it, there was nothing that the Democrats could do to pass it anyways.

So they avoided the trolling, except for this weak ass attempt.

Good for them.
UPDATE - 7/21/20: House rejects Progressive Caucus's 10% cut to defense spending.
  • In a 93-324 vote, the House of Representatives reject the Congressional Progressive Caucus's NDAA amendment that would cut defense spending by 10%.
  • The amendment was opposed by 185 Republicans and 139 Democrats, while 92 Democrats and Rep. Justin Amash (L-MI) supported the 10% cut.

UPDATE - 7/22/20: Senate rejects 10% defense spending cut.
  • In a 23-77 vote, the Senate rejected the amendment offered by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and Sen. Ed Markey (D-MA) to cut defense spending by 10%, or about $74 billion in fiscal year 2021.
  • No Republicans voted in favor of the Sanders amendment, which was supported by nearly half of the Senate's Democrats, including Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ), and Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN).
  • Of the Democratic senators rumored to currently be on presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden's short-list of vice presidential picks, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) was the only to vote in favor of the Sanders amendment, whereas Sens. Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) and Kamala Harris (D-CA) were among the 24 Democrats to oppose the amendment.

so called Progressives should win more seats if they want to call the shots. They especially need to win in districts that are competitive with Republican candidates. Progressives thus far have an abysmal track record of winning in less than safe Democratic held districts.

So, go out and win, child. Don't expect it all to be handed to you. And stop crying.
UPDATE - 7/21/20: House rejects Progressive Caucus's 10% cut to defense spending.
  • In a 93-324 vote, the House of Representatives reject the Congressional Progressive Caucus's NDAA amendment that would cut defense spending by 10%.
  • The amendment was opposed by 185 Republicans and 139 Democrats, while 92 Democrats and Rep. Justin Amash (L-MI) supported the 10% cut.

UPDATE - 7/22/20: Senate rejects 10% defense spending cut.
  • In a 23-77 vote, the Senate rejected the amendment offered by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and Sen. Ed Markey (D-MA) to cut defense spending by 10%, or about $74 billion in fiscal year 2021.
  • No Republicans voted in favor of the Sanders amendment, which was supported by nearly half of the Senate's Democrats, including Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ), and Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN).
  • Of the Democratic senators rumored to currently be on presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden's short-list of vice presidential picks, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) was the only to vote in favor of the Sanders amendment, whereas Sens. Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) and Kamala Harris (D-CA) were among the 24 Democrats to oppose the amendment.

despicable..but we have one big, fvcking fat fish to fry or votes won't matter Pada- none of it will.. i'm surprised we even got that many votes.
despicable..but we have one big, fvcking fat fish to fry or votes won't matter Pada- none of it will.. i'm surprised we even got that many votes.
Spoken from the unproductive wing of the Democratic party.

We have an election in the fall, remember?

How many elections in districts that were contested by a Republican were won by a hard left Progressive Democrat?

hint: You don't need any fingers to count it. Or toes.
So much for the claim most Democrats are progressive

Most Democrats are corporatists. I can't imagine an easier test than reducing the military budget by less than what it was when Trump was elected, and putting it towards strengthening social programs and relief for poor people
So much for the claim most Democrats are progressive

Most Democrats are corporatists. I can't imagine an easier test than reducing the military budget by less than what it was when Trump was elected, and putting it towards strengthening social programs and relief for poor people
Oh, yes they are very progressive. They aren't stupid. Your kind have what? 90 members? All from very safe liberal districts. How weak.

Win some more tough contests and stop demanding the world be given to you for showing up. I'll respect your faction when they start winning the hard races against Republicans.

Until they do, please do keep up with the comic relief.

I'd be happy to see more wins from Progressives in contested districts. It would mean the left has grown up.
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So much for the claim most Democrats are progressive

Most Democrats are corporatists. I can't imagine an easier test than reducing the military budget by less than what it was when Trump was elected, and putting it towards strengthening social programs and relief for poor people
By 'corporatists' do you mean that most Democrats don't want to see American businesses go under because of short-sighted legislation designed to act like a torch wielding mob against our own best interests.

Then sure.

But your annoyingly simplistic understanding is full of denial that the Democrats had any ability what-so-ever to pass that amendment.

They did not, and the Democrats that voted did so I'm guessing, because they know the 'left-troll' and 'right-troll' was all a set up and they chose which troll they rather deal with.
So much for the claim most Democrats are progressive

Most Democrats are corporatists. I can't imagine an easier test than reducing the military budget by less than what it was when Trump was elected, and putting it towards strengthening social programs and relief for poor people

i believe The House gave them a gift for the Heroes Act; now we know.

it was reported mcconnell didn't show for arguments.

do you think i'm simplistic?
Oh, yes they are very progressive.
This issue isn't even really progressive v. corporatist, it's left v. right, the Democratic party position should be to support the amendment to cut the pentagon budget by 10%, the right is all in on military funding, even when it comes at the expense of safety net programs

So why do you oppose cutting the defense budget by 10%?

By 'corporatists' do you mean
It means they side with defense contractors (donors) over their constituents. The overwhelming majority of Democratic voters support decreasing the defense budget
i believe The House gave them a gift for the Heroes Act; now we know.

it was reported mcconnell didn't show for arguments.

do you think i'm simplistic?
This issue isn't even really progressive v. corporatist, it's left v. right, the Democratic party position should be to support the amendment to cut the pentagon budget by 10%, the right is all in on military funding, even when it comes at the expense of safety net programs

So why do you oppose cutting the defense budget by 10%?

It means they side with defense contractors (donors) over their constituents. The overwhelming majority of Democratic voters support decreasing the defense budget

There was no hope of getting that bill through the senate while it was under Republican control. What you are talking about is a symbolic act. Those are nice, like the New Green Deal that AOC wrote. I liked it.

It would have hurt Democrats chances of taking control of the Senate. I keep reminding you that your kind of Democrat only wins safe Democratic seats. You seem OK with a tiny representation in the House (90 seats) and I understand why you are so hot about this symbolic act. It's the kind of thing a minority coalition does to make their tiny group of supporters happy. You don't really get the bigger picture, child.
This issue isn't even really progressive v. corporatist, it's left v. right, the Democratic party position should be to support the amendment to cut the pentagon budget by 10%, the right is all in on military funding, even when it comes at the expense of safety net programs

So why do you oppose cutting the defense budget by 10%?

It means they side with defense contractors (donors) over their constituents. The overwhelming majority of Democratic voters support decreasing the defense budget

i don't see you do you see the next few months, election playing out?
It means they side with defense contractors (donors) over their constituents. The overwhelming majority of Democratic voters support decreasing the defense budget
And what about when those evil defense contractors (donors) are their constituents, and what if they have many of the citizens in their districts rely on those jobs?

The Democrats could not have gotten this amendment in without any Republican support. You are just trolling the Democrats for being forced to make a political to avoid being painted as radical left who want to 'defund our police'.

You seem like your smart enough to get this, it is a shame you can't break character and talk about anything other that trolling the Democrats. But I guess that is what comes with being a 'left-troll'.

i don't see you do you see the next few months, election playing out?
Democrats shooting themselves in the foot trying to edge up as close to the corporate line as possible. They've sided with lobbyists and the insurance industry on healthcare during a pandemic with 20 million more people being thrown off their healthcare. When it was Sanders m4a plan during the primary - I lie they knowingly propagated - it was the end of the world. So much for keeping the healthcare you want.

if Biden wins and democrats take the Senate, they're not going to get rid of the filibuster (republicans surely would). They need a scapegoat so they can continue to blame their legislative failures on republican obstruction. They slowly lose favor, republicans sweep 2022 midterms just like they did in 2010 because many people that vote for Biden want real change and will go back to being apathetic toward politics. Fogdog and Hannibal will blame the voters for the democrats loss, and someone worse than Trump will emerge and likely become the 47th president. Rinse, repeat

Democrats shooting themselves in the foot trying to edge up as close to the corporate line as possible. They've sided with lobbyists and the insurance industry on healthcare during a pandemic with 20 million more people being thrown off their healthcare. When it was Sanders m4a plan during the primary - I lie they knowingly propagated - it was the end of the world. So much for keeping the healthcare you want.

if Biden wins and democrats take the Senate, they're not going to get rid of the filibuster (republicans surely would). They need a scapegoat so they can continue to blame their legislative failures on republican obstruction. They slowly lose favor, republicans sweep 2022 midterms just like they did in 2010 because many people that vote for Biden want real change and will go back to being apathetic toward politics. Fogdog and Hannibal will blame the voters for the democrats loss, and someone worse than Trump will emerge and likely become the 47th president. Rinse, repeat

Your faith in Democrats ability to force Trump and the Republicans into doing anything you are kidding yourself.

They can't get rid of the filibuster, because then you would have had Trump and his Republicans first 2 years wiping out a hundred years of progress to give everything back to the Wealthy White Heterosexual Male Only demographic.

The Republicans bill had it at $200 and gave Trump the FBI building so that he didn't get competition to his DC hotel. Are you kidding, 'the establishment' Democrat shit is so weak.