Depressing cave, how to get outta heree?


Well-Known Member
Hi rollers, Ive been getting more and more stressed as time goes on. I have fallen in love with my green thumb not in the best of places. I am in a non smoking rental and was planning on finishing up and chopping the mother down ;'/ and cleaning up a month or 2 ahead of time. And now I have been jobless for a few months getting by all my necessary payments but was forced to not go back to school this semester and pickup my act getting a steady job that can fund my next move. Ive been stressing about 1. getting a steady job and 2. finding a way to relocate my op. I have been dreaming about buying a manufactured home, as it would serve its purpose in the meantime, and could still move in a few years and jsut rent it out. I'm afraid though that buying even something small <50k as my 1st home in under 4 months without having a job lined up for only a few months is unrealistic. that would be my perfect scenario to get a secure job lined up and to buy a house a month before having to move so that I can move op. but im faced with the fact that i might not be able to get a loan and that I might have to rent. Thats where finding another situation like I found from an outside resource would be incredibly challenging. I have been going to bed at 3am and waking up at 3pm every day and feel like a total slob stuck in my dungeon. I keep staying up late trying to come up with a plan, to end up in an endless loop of #1 coming up with steady income. #2 how to preserve/relocate op in finding a rental or acquiring a loan to buy a home which is consuming more time than it should. I know a job>op if I don't own should be my priority. I am digging my own hole here I could just pack things up and make it out safe to an apartment complex while I save up more $ for a loan, but apartments end up being more than a tiny home and I'd end up making less sucking apartments dick urrrrg


Staff member
ugh paragraphs please

i would either finish school or buy a house one or other. in my opinion as i have been in uni for quite a while now, it would be hard to buy a home by myself if i was doing school full time
but i guess that depends on if you are going through financial aid or paying for school yourself.

you should check first to see if you even remotely qualify from a bank to get a mortgage.
if you wanna buy a small cheap home, honestly probably not worth it unless you have the money to make repairs soon. cheaply priced homes are cheap for a reason, and if you dont have the cash flow to allow yourself some room to make improvements when you plumbing gets fucked up and eat in the same week you will find yourself in some pretty damn stressful situations.

in most situations if you are going to get a loan from a bank you cant get one unless you have a job anyways, and for a period of time too, although this is probably different for each country and bank but last time i checked i needed to be employed by the same employer for over 2 years before i could take out a mortgage

its unlikely you will qualify for a loan

what you can do is get your sleeping back on track, hand out resumes everywhere online and in person. youre just gunna have to get up and do it. when you do do it youll feel much more better about yourself and your situation as if you are on the right track.
go to the your community employment center as well, they offer plenty of free services to the public including some job skill help, interviewing help, writing help etc. they also have job boards and more.
they sometimes also offer free services to get certified in other things that can actually help you acquire employment.
i really recommend using those public services they are there for you to use.


Well-Known Member
I feel ya bro, being stuck in that dungeon sucks, I was in the same boat as you at one point, I've made plenty of these threads, but the truth is if you are trying to get your life back, Being on this website won't help, people here are never going to be able to help change your situation, if anything by time you're done here you will be feeling like trash.

You gotta get off the internet for a bit bro, go outside don't smoke no weed or drink and spend like 3 hours outside evaluating your life and how you ended up where you're at, identify that reason and get to work, which takes motivation and time you're not gonna want to be applying at every single place yeah it sucks but you have to do it, and like sunni said you'll feel better.


Well-Known Member
move to a legal state .........use your skills in growing to get the full time job and allow u to do your schooling (combine passion to need for money letting u work and do school in a happy relaxed state)

as for freaking out .........smoke several bong hits have 2 beers listen to some music / watch a good movie ..........shit is alot more complex and freaky then u are even thinking about right now(just take each thing in order one step at a time or your head will exploded from worry )

as for funding .....sell everything u do not need when u move start over taken only what has value to u from the other place in a small car or truck
rent in states that yuppies have not taken over is affordable i sawl some nice places for under 1000
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i find it hilarious how a gal I know, Tiffany, is always trying to be the most helpful when it comes to giving advice to younger folk on this exact topic.

She's worked numerous jobs, and since she's gotten married she's had some kids and might do crafts or something? Hubby pays for everything.

I'm not trying to bash stay-at-home moms. But if you have a online blog and take care of your kid while all your bills and life necessities are paid for by another person, I feel like your vote doesn't count as much when it comes to supporting yourself and the workforce. Unless your advice is: get married and have your spouse pay for everything. Am I wrong?

I'm probably just an asshole. And Tiffany is just a bitch and her vote doesn't count.

Shut the fuck up Tiffany. Go back to knitting.


Well-Known Member
Hey, op. Sunni is right, I can't see you qualifying for any loan, much less a mortgage. It sounds like your grow op is located inside your apartment, right? So is mine. Why not simply scale up and grow as much as you can at your current location? It would likely pay more than any job you could get, especially if you grow and sell in a non-legal state like me. You could save a lot in a year, and no reason you couldn't attend school while your growing (perhaps after a couple of harvests when you have some $ to support yourself.) It is not healthy to sleep for 12 hours a day, you must be pretty depressed. If you are fortunate enough to already have a space to grow, stay and take maximum advantage of it. Your op's profits could free up time for school, and time to get out of the house to pursue other things you enjoy. Not a bad situation if I'm reading your situation correctly. Good luck...
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Gary Goodson

Well-Known Member
Hi rollers, Ive been getting more and more stressed as time goes on. I have fallen in love with my green thumb not in the best of places. I am in a non smoking rental and was planning on finishing up and chopping the mother down ;'/ and cleaning up a month or 2 ahead of time. And now I have been jobless for a few months getting by all my necessary payments but was forced to not go back to school this semester and pickup my act getting a steady job that can fund my next move. Ive been stressing about 1. getting a steady job and 2. finding a way to relocate my op. I have been dreaming about buying a manufactured home, as it would serve its purpose in the meantime, and could still move in a few years and jsut rent it out. I'm afraid though that buying even something small <50k as my 1st home in under 4 months without having a job lined up for only a few months is unrealistic. that would be my perfect scenario to get a secure job lined up and to buy a house a month before having to move so that I can move op. but im faced with the fact that i might not be able to get a loan and that I might have to rent. Thats where finding another situation like I found from an outside resource would be incredibly challenging. I have been going to bed at 3am and waking up at 3pm every day and feel like a total slob stuck in my dungeon. I keep staying up late trying to come up with a plan, to end up in an endless loop of #1 coming up with steady income. #2 how to preserve/relocate op in finding a rental or acquiring a loan to buy a home which is consuming more time than it should. I know a job>op if I don't own should be my priority. I am digging my own hole here I could just pack things up and make it out safe to an apartment complex while I save up more $ for a loan, but apartments end up being more than a tiny home and I'd end up making less sucking apartments dick urrrrg
I think that last line really classed your post up a bit:clap: but I really think your problem is motivation. Nigga you need to get up, get out, and get something.