deserate for some solid advice...


This will pobably be my only post on RIU and I'll probably get into trouble for it too. It might sound really silly but I am in a very dark bad space right now, very sad, very angry, very confused... I really need some unbiased advice.. or something. From strangers. I am desperate.

For the last 12 years I have been married to a really awesome guy... So much beauty. So much strength. So much talent. So much potential. I love all of him with all my heart including all his little flaws (we all have those right??) We have the most incredible little girl who brings so much joy, amazing pets, a highly interesting life and we live in quite an incredible part of the world... Thanks to and with eternal respect, appreciation and gratitude to his parents. The best in-laws anyone could have. They honestly are the most unbelievably good souls who have provided for us for more than a decade. House car food schooling medical care... You name it. There are no words to describe just what kind of people these are. Incredible.

Like all marriages there are ups and downs and we have our issues and have most definitly been handed our fair share of trials with trust issues and obstacles which we have faced and struggled through together (some with great personal difficulty for me)

My husband told me he was bi-polar before we married and I accepted all the conditions that came with that. I was told what to expect with the downswings to a genius mind so I did not enter blindly... In sickness and in health... till death do us part.
I know who he really is. I have seen the real him.. I accepted and loved him for what he was. Always will.

Over the years various external factors caused these downswings to become more frequent. My interest was seen as prying. My support and encouragment was not seen for what it was, responses to my attempts at showing these became cruel and mean.. and my feelings and emotions were 'put on hold' and told they were not important enough to be heard many times because he might be having a bad day or week. I had to start thinking twice before saying or doing most things because I always ended up saying the wrong things simply because I was so nervous. Nothing I seemed to do was good enough. Even hugs. People started turning a blind eye to what I was actually going through and brushed me off whenever I asked for help telling me to let him do his thing... even though sometimes it was morally wrong and I didn't agree. Relationships with family and friends became strained and I have ended up seeing a shrink twice.

We had the most traumatic event happen in our lives as a family last year which I am still not managing to process... Because I have not been able to talk to anyone without feeling judged. It is humiliating and embarrassing. And in a way I've gone through too much. One more straw and I'm done.

I have just found out in the last 48hours that he has told all his friends we are getting divorced and he's blocked me on social media and refuses to say anything other than its final... I'm broken.

He has always refused and refuses to see a professional. Even though the symptoms of his bi-polar is destroying the lives of the people around him and who have supported him all these years. Not that anyone can make him. It's his choice. I know that.

What makes me so devastated is that I really did try to make his life easier in every way. I really have been there for him... In every way I could possibly stretch myself to show my loyalty and dedication to him and our marriage. Even though he rejected me so many times when he was angry... Not even with me sometimes...
But even at his worst I have been there. Patiently enduring and waiting.

I have had to go through what many people wouldnt be able to handle.. For a very long time and very much alone most of the time... Like how I had to drive myself when I needed surgery to prevent cancer. More than once.
Last night I got told that he was never actually professionally diagnosed!! Has all this been one huge big con? A lie? What?

I am afraid to admit that I am terrified. What do I do? I love this man and dont want to divorce. I did everything right.. so to speak.. I was the good wife, friend, housewife, porn star, mother, cook, cleaner, I looked after our daughter, gave him his space and freedom to be himself, compromised, sacrificed, got a career going for both of us at one stage in something we were both passionate about, did all the things expected from a husband.. Plumbing, hardware, maintanence... With no help for a long time. I gave, gave and gave some more. More than anyone will ever know. My health is in a not so good way after bottling up for so long. Various diagnoses, some still not known. It's awful feeling things growing and not knowing what the fuck is happening. And I'm dealing with these alone.

I will openly admit I most certainly am not entirely innocent here. I am so far from perfect. I have my flaws and I have obviously fucked up at times... I have been angry too but I'm a real softie and have always faced up to my demons and tried to apologise where I was wrong.

He has purposefully ignored very real issues for a number of years while making others and their issues more important than what was right in front of him and now he wants to give up?? Just like that????? Without shouldering the result of his actions and the consequences that have come along with those???? Without taking a fraction of what I have carried all these years?? He even said he would try speak with someone and he never has... And now he wants to just give up?? I'm sick and he wants to leave???
Now that he has all his eggs in his basket that I have also sacrified quality of life for and contributed emotionally and financially to helping him achieve what essentially were his goals and dreams.. what he was good at... he wants to divorce and fuck off???????

The only reason I post here is he is a well known member and looks up to many of you here and many of you up to him. Many of you are part of our lives. For the last few years I have encouraged him with setting up his grow, have contibuted financially and been there every step of the way, taking the risk, living an isolated life.
I know there are fucked up people in the world that dont care what they do but this is a good person who many people have given so much for. I'm afraid. And so goddam sad. I don't know what the fuck has happened to the person I would rather die for than not be with.
What do you think. Is this fair??

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
This will pobably be my only post on RIU and I'll probably get into trouble for it too. It might sound really silly but I am in a very dark bad space right now, very sad, very angry, very confused... I really need some unbiased advice.. or something. From strangers. I am desperate.

For the last 12 years I have been married to a really awesome guy... So much beauty. So much strength. So much talent. So much potential. I love all of him with all my heart including all his little flaws (we all have those right??) We have the most incredible little girl who brings so much joy, amazing pets, a highly interesting life and we live in quite an incredible part of the world... Thanks to and with eternal respect, appreciation and gratitude to his parents. The best in-laws anyone could have. They honestly are the most unbelievably good souls who have provided for us for more than a decade. House car food schooling medical care... You name it. There are no words to describe just what kind of people these are. Incredible.

Like all marriages there are ups and downs and we have our issues and have most definitly been handed our fair share of trials with trust issues and obstacles which we have faced and struggled through together (some with great personal difficulty for me)

My husband told me he was bi-polar before we married and I accepted all the conditions that came with that. I was told what to expect with the downswings to a genius mind so I did not enter blindly... In sickness and in health... till death do us part.
I know who he really is. I have seen the real him.. I accepted and loved him for what he was. Always will.

Over the years various external factors caused these downswings to become more frequent. My interest was seen as prying. My support and encouragment was not seen for what it was, responses to my attempts at showing these became cruel and mean.. and my feelings and emotions were 'put on hold' and told they were not important enough to be heard many times because he might be having a bad day or week. I had to start thinking twice before saying or doing most things because I always ended up saying the wrong things simply because I was so nervous. Nothing I seemed to do was good enough. Even hugs. People started turning a blind eye to what I was actually going through and brushed me off whenever I asked for help telling me to let him do his thing... even though sometimes it was morally wrong and I didn't agree. Relationships with family and friends became strained and I have ended up seeing a shrink twice.

We had the most traumatic event happen in our lives as a family last year which I am still not managing to process... Because I have not been able to talk to anyone without feeling judged. It is humiliating and embarrassing. And in a way I've gone through too much. One more straw and I'm done.

I have just found out in the last 48hours that he has told all his friends we are getting divorced and he's blocked me on social media and refuses to say anything other than its final... I'm broken.

He has always refused and refuses to see a professional. Even though the symptoms of his bi-polar is destroying the lives of the people around him and who have supported him all these years. Not that anyone can make him. It's his choice. I know that.

What makes me so devastated is that I really did try to make his life easier in every way. I really have been there for him... In every way I could possibly stretch myself to show my loyalty and dedication to him and our marriage. Even though he rejected me so many times when he was angry... Not even with me sometimes...
But even at his worst I have been there. Patiently enduring and waiting.

I have had to go through what many people wouldnt be able to handle.. For a very long time and very much alone most of the time... Like how I had to drive myself when I needed surgery to prevent cancer. More than once.
Last night I got told that he was never actually professionally diagnosed!! Has all this been one huge big con? A lie? What?

I am afraid to admit that I am terrified. What do I do? I love this man and dont want to divorce. I did everything right.. so to speak.. I was the good wife, friend, housewife, porn star, mother, cook, cleaner, I looked after our daughter, gave him his space and freedom to be himself, compromised, sacrificed, got a career going for both of us at one stage in something we were both passionate about, did all the things expected from a husband.. Plumbing, hardware, maintanence... With no help for a long time. I gave, gave and gave some more. More than anyone will ever know. My health is in a not so good way after bottling up for so long. Various diagnoses, some still not known. It's awful feeling things growing and not knowing what the fuck is happening. And I'm dealing with these alone.

I will openly admit I most certainly am not entirely innocent here. I am so far from perfect. I have my flaws and I have obviously fucked up at times... I have been angry too but I'm a real softie and have always faced up to my demons and tried to apologise where I was wrong.

He has purposefully ignored very real issues for a number of years while making others and their issues more important than what was right in front of him and now he wants to give up?? Just like that????? Without shouldering the result of his actions and the consequences that have come along with those???? Without taking a fraction of what I have carried all these years?? He even said he would try speak with someone and he never has... And now he wants to just give up?? I'm sick and he wants to leave???
Now that he has all his eggs in his basket that I have also sacrified quality of life for and contributed emotionally and financially to helping him achieve what essentially were his goals and dreams.. what he was good at... he wants to divorce and fuck off???????

The only reason I post here is he is a well known member and looks up to many of you here and many of you up to him. Many of you are part of our lives. For the last few years I have encouraged him with setting up his grow, have contibuted financially and been there every step of the way, taking the risk, living an isolated life.
I know there are fucked up people in the world that dont care what they do but this is a good person who many people have given so much for. I'm afraid. And so goddam sad. I don't know what the fuck has happened to the person I would rather die for than not be with.
What do you think. Is this fair??
It's really difficult to read your post w one or two words per line, the website is reformatting so it's glitchy.

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
The only reason I post here is he is a well known member and looks up to many of you here and many of you up to him. Many of you are part of our lives. For the last few years I have encouraged him with setting up his grow, have contibuted financially and been there every step of the way, taking the risk, living an isolated life.
I know there are fucked up people in the world that dont care what they do but this is a good person who many people have given so much for. I'm afraid. And so goddam sad. I don't know what the fuck has happened to the person I would rather die for than not be with.
What do you think. Is this fair??
ok for this reason im going to hold off on in-depth comment for now, but hope you get the support you need. damn if life isn't unfair...often. you sound like a caring and committed partner and that's worth plenty.


Well-Known Member
Is this guy ClaytonBigsby, pinworm ?, Who is it

I am really sorry to hear about your situation, it has
to be the worst i've ever heard, sounds to me like you have already tried enough, I don't know too much about relationships, but my mom went through a similar situation. Time and a guy that actually loves her for who she is, is what healed her, people are there own people as simple as it sounds, this can produce a tremendous amount of emotional pain, you can try to talk to your husband, if he doesn't wanna hear it then it's just a matter of time and healing.

My condolences. Again I really hope this is not a joke, that was a lot to read and think about.

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
This will pobably be my only post on RIU and I'll probably get into trouble for it too. It might sound really silly but I am in a very dark bad space right now, very sad, very angry, very confused... I really need some unbiased advice.. or something. From strangers. I am desperate.

For the last 12 years I have been married to a really awesome guy... So much beauty. So much strength. So much talent. So much potential. I love all of him with all my heart including all his little flaws (we all have those right??) We have the most incredible little girl who brings so much joy, amazing pets, a highly interesting life and we live in quite an incredible part of the world... Thanks to and with eternal respect, appreciation and gratitude to his parents. The best in-laws anyone could have. They honestly are the most unbelievably good souls who have provided for us for more than a decade. House car food schooling medical care... You name it. There are no words to describe just what kind of people these are. Incredible.

Like all marriages there are ups and downs and we have our issues and have most definitly been handed our fair share of trials with trust issues and obstacles which we have faced and struggled through together (some with great personal difficulty for me)

My husband told me he was bi-polar before we married and I accepted all the conditions that came with that. I was told what to expect with the downswings to a genius mind so I did not enter blindly... In sickness and in health... till death do us part.
I know who he really is. I have seen the real him.. I accepted and loved him for what he was. Always will.

Over the years various external factors caused these downswings to become more frequent. My interest was seen as prying. My support and encouragment was not seen for what it was, responses to my attempts at showing these became cruel and mean.. and my feelings and emotions were 'put on hold' and told they were not important enough to be heard many times because he might be having a bad day or week. I had to start thinking twice before saying or doing most things because I always ended up saying the wrong things simply because I was so nervous. Nothing I seemed to do was good enough. Even hugs. People started turning a blind eye to what I was actually going through and brushed me off whenever I asked for help telling me to let him do his thing... even though sometimes it was morally wrong and I didn't agree. Relationships with family and friends became strained and I have ended up seeing a shrink twice.

We had the most traumatic event happen in our lives as a family last year which I am still not managing to process... Because I have not been able to talk to anyone without feeling judged. It is humiliating and embarrassing. And in a way I've gone through too much. One more straw and I'm done.

I have just found out in the last 48hours that he has told all his friends we are getting divorced and he's blocked me on social media and refuses to say anything other than its final... I'm broken.

He has always refused and refuses to see a professional. Even though the symptoms of his bi-polar is destroying the lives of the people around him and who have supported him all these years. Not that anyone can make him. It's his choice. I know that.

What makes me so devastated is that I really did try to make his life easier in every way. I really have been there for him... In every way I could possibly stretch myself to show my loyalty and dedication to him and our marriage. Even though he rejected me so many times when he was angry... Not even with me sometimes...
But even at his worst I have been there. Patiently enduring and waiting.

I have had to go through what many people wouldnt be able to handle.. For a very long time and very much alone most of the time... Like how I had to drive myself when I needed surgery to prevent cancer. More than once.
Last night I got told that he was never actually professionally diagnosed!! Has all this been one huge big con? A lie? What?

I am afraid to admit that I am terrified. What do I do? I love this man and dont want to divorce. I did everything right.. so to speak.. I was the good wife, friend, housewife, porn star, mother, cook, cleaner, I looked after our daughter, gave him his space and freedom to be himself, compromised, sacrificed, got a career going for both of us at one stage in something we were both passionate about, did all the things expected from a husband.. Plumbing, hardware, maintanence... With no help for a long time. I gave, gave and gave some more. More than anyone will ever know. My health is in a not so good way after bottling up for so long. Various diagnoses, some still not known. It's awful feeling things growing and not knowing what the fuck is happening. And I'm dealing with these alone.

I will openly admit I most certainly am not entirely innocent here. I am so far from perfect. I have my flaws and I have obviously fucked up at times... I have been angry too but I'm a real softie and have always faced up to my demons and tried to apologise where I was wrong.

He has purposefully ignored very real issues for a number of years while making others and their issues more important than what was right in front of him and now he wants to give up?? Just like that????? Without shouldering the result of his actions and the consequences that have come along with those???? Without taking a fraction of what I have carried all these years?? He even said he would try speak with someone and he never has... And now he wants to just give up?? I'm sick and he wants to leave???
Now that he has all his eggs in his basket that I have also sacrified quality of life for and contributed emotionally and financially to helping him achieve what essentially were his goals and dreams.. what he was good at... he wants to divorce and fuck off???????

The only reason I post here is he is a well known member and looks up to many of you here and many of you up to him. Many of you are part of our lives. For the last few years I have encouraged him with setting up his grow, have contibuted financially and been there every step of the way, taking the risk, living an isolated life.
I know there are fucked up people in the world that dont care what they do but this is a good person who many people have given so much for. I'm afraid. And so goddam sad. I don't know what the fuck has happened to the person I would rather die for than not be with.
What do you think. Is this fair??
Move on with your life.


Well-Known Member
Lol i was thinking clayton too.
Was there ever any hippie chicks involved?

On a serious note i got divorced about this time last year. Of 6 years i think. It sucked but im overall happier. I have the freedom to find that person that i find to be perfect. And it does exist, just everyone has a different perfect.
Yea i had to leave the comfort and stability, the rock your spouse should be. But once i stopped kidding myself i should have left her a long time ago. I did divorce her, but didnt really want too. Its complicated.
Yiu have an unrealistic expectation of him and what will proceed, your blinded. Give that love to someone else and be happier


Well-Known Member
marriage shouldnt exist, at least now that you are getting divorced you get half his shit to


And yes I have tried to speak openly and freely to him. Many times. But there was never a good time for him to stick around and actually listen to me. I ended up writing him a letter. He didn't even have respond to it. I just hoped he might gain some understanding to how I felt. He hasn't read it. I think he's afraid to read the truth


Well-Known Member
This will pobably be my only post on RIU and I'll probably get into trouble for it too. It might sound really silly but I am in a very dark bad space right now, very sad, very angry, very confused... I really need some unbiased advice.. or something. From strangers. I am desperate.

For the last 12 years I have been married to a really awesome guy... So much beauty. So much strength. So much talent. So much potential. I love all of him with all my heart including all his little flaws (we all have those right??) We have the most incredible little girl who brings so much joy, amazing pets, a highly interesting life and we live in quite an incredible part of the world... Thanks to and with eternal respect, appreciation and gratitude to his parents. The best in-laws anyone could have. They honestly are the most unbelievably good souls who have provided for us for more than a decade. House car food schooling medical care... You name it. There are no words to describe just what kind of people these are. Incredible.

Like all marriages there are ups and downs and we have our issues and have most definitly been handed our fair share of trials with trust issues and obstacles which we have faced and struggled through together (some with great personal difficulty for me)

My husband told me he was bi-polar before we married and I accepted all the conditions that came with that. I was told what to expect with the downswings to a genius mind so I did not enter blindly... In sickness and in health... till death do us part.
I know who he really is. I have seen the real him.. I accepted and loved him for what he was. Always will.

Over the years various external factors caused these downswings to become more frequent. My interest was seen as prying. My support and encouragment was not seen for what it was, responses to my attempts at showing these became cruel and mean.. and my feelings and emotions were 'put on hold' and told they were not important enough to be heard many times because he might be having a bad day or week. I had to start thinking twice before saying or doing most things because I always ended up saying the wrong things simply because I was so nervous. Nothing I seemed to do was good enough. Even hugs. People started turning a blind eye to what I was actually going through and brushed me off whenever I asked for help telling me to let him do his thing... even though sometimes it was morally wrong and I didn't agree. Relationships with family and friends became strained and I have ended up seeing a shrink twice.

We had the most traumatic event happen in our lives as a family last year which I am still not managing to process... Because I have not been able to talk to anyone without feeling judged. It is humiliating and embarrassing. And in a way I've gone through too much. One more straw and I'm done.

I have just found out in the last 48hours that he has told all his friends we are getting divorced and he's blocked me on social media and refuses to say anything other than its final... I'm broken.

He has always refused and refuses to see a professional. Even though the symptoms of his bi-polar is destroying the lives of the people around him and who have supported him all these years. Not that anyone can make him. It's his choice. I know that.

What makes me so devastated is that I really did try to make his life easier in every way. I really have been there for him... In every way I could possibly stretch myself to show my loyalty and dedication to him and our marriage. Even though he rejected me so many times when he was angry... Not even with me sometimes...
But even at his worst I have been there. Patiently enduring and waiting.

I have had to go through what many people wouldnt be able to handle.. For a very long time and very much alone most of the time... Like how I had to drive myself when I needed surgery to prevent cancer. More than once.
Last night I got told that he was never actually professionally diagnosed!! Has all this been one huge big con? A lie? What?

I am afraid to admit that I am terrified. What do I do? I love this man and dont want to divorce. I did everything right.. so to speak.. I was the good wife, friend, housewife, porn star, mother, cook, cleaner, I looked after our daughter, gave him his space and freedom to be himself, compromised, sacrificed, got a career going for both of us at one stage in something we were both passionate about, did all the things expected from a husband.. Plumbing, hardware, maintanence... With no help for a long time. I gave, gave and gave some more. More than anyone will ever know. My health is in a not so good way after bottling up for so long. Various diagnoses, some still not known. It's awful feeling things growing and not knowing what the fuck is happening. And I'm dealing with these alone.

I will openly admit I most certainly am not entirely innocent here. I am so far from perfect. I have my flaws and I have obviously fucked up at times... I have been angry too but I'm a real softie and have always faced up to my demons and tried to apologise where I was wrong.

He has purposefully ignored very real issues for a number of years while making others and their issues more important than what was right in front of him and now he wants to give up?? Just like that????? Without shouldering the result of his actions and the consequences that have come along with those???? Without taking a fraction of what I have carried all these years?? He even said he would try speak with someone and he never has... And now he wants to just give up?? I'm sick and he wants to leave???
Now that he has all his eggs in his basket that I have also sacrified quality of life for and contributed emotionally and financially to helping him achieve what essentially were his goals and dreams.. what he was good at... he wants to divorce and fuck off???????

The only reason I post here is he is a well known member and looks up to many of you here and many of you up to him. Many of you are part of our lives. For the last few years I have encouraged him with setting up his grow, have contibuted financially and been there every step of the way, taking the risk, living an isolated life.
I know there are fucked up people in the world that dont care what they do but this is a good person who many people have given so much for. I'm afraid. And so goddam sad. I don't know what the fuck has happened to the person I would rather die for than not be with.
What do you think. Is this fair??
Motherfuck! That's a lot of prose. Gonna need some time.


Well-Known Member
This will pobably be my only post on RIU and I'll probably get into trouble for it too. It might sound really silly but I am in a very dark bad space right now, very sad, very angry, very confused... I really need some unbiased advice.. or something. From strangers. I am desperate.

For the last 12 years I have been married to a really awesome guy... So much beauty. So much strength. So much talent. So much potential. I love all of him with all my heart including all his little flaws (we all have those right??) We have the most incredible little girl who brings so much joy, amazing pets, a highly interesting life and we live in quite an incredible part of the world... Thanks to and with eternal respect, appreciation and gratitude to his parents. The best in-laws anyone could have. They honestly are the most unbelievably good souls who have provided for us for more than a decade. House car food schooling medical care... You name it. There are no words to describe just what kind of people these are. Incredible.

Like all marriages there are ups and downs and we have our issues and have most definitly been handed our fair share of trials with trust issues and obstacles which we have faced and struggled through together (some with great personal difficulty for me)

My husband told me he was bi-polar before we married and I accepted all the conditions that came with that. I was told what to expect with the downswings to a genius mind so I did not enter blindly... In sickness and in health... till death do us part.
I know who he really is. I have seen the real him.. I accepted and loved him for what he was. Always will.

Over the years various external factors caused these downswings to become more frequent. My interest was seen as prying. My support and encouragment was not seen for what it was, responses to my attempts at showing these became cruel and mean.. and my feelings and emotions were 'put on hold' and told they were not important enough to be heard many times because he might be having a bad day or week. I had to start thinking twice before saying or doing most things because I always ended up saying the wrong things simply because I was so nervous. Nothing I seemed to do was good enough. Even hugs. People started turning a blind eye to what I was actually going through and brushed me off whenever I asked for help telling me to let him do his thing... even though sometimes it was morally wrong and I didn't agree. Relationships with family and friends became strained and I have ended up seeing a shrink twice.

We had the most traumatic event happen in our lives as a family last year which I am still not managing to process... Because I have not been able to talk to anyone without feeling judged. It is humiliating and embarrassing. And in a way I've gone through too much. One more straw and I'm done.

I have just found out in the last 48hours that he has told all his friends we are getting divorced and he's blocked me on social media and refuses to say anything other than its final... I'm broken.

He has always refused and refuses to see a professional. Even though the symptoms of his bi-polar is destroying the lives of the people around him and who have supported him all these years. Not that anyone can make him. It's his choice. I know that.

What makes me so devastated is that I really did try to make his life easier in every way. I really have been there for him... In every way I could possibly stretch myself to show my loyalty and dedication to him and our marriage. Even though he rejected me so many times when he was angry... Not even with me sometimes...
But even at his worst I have been there. Patiently enduring and waiting.

I have had to go through what many people wouldnt be able to handle.. For a very long time and very much alone most of the time... Like how I had to drive myself when I needed surgery to prevent cancer. More than once.
Last night I got told that he was never actually professionally diagnosed!! Has all this been one huge big con? A lie? What?

I am afraid to admit that I am terrified. What do I do? I love this man and dont want to divorce. I did everything right.. so to speak.. I was the good wife, friend, housewife, porn star, mother, cook, cleaner, I looked after our daughter, gave him his space and freedom to be himself, compromised, sacrificed, got a career going for both of us at one stage in something we were both passionate about, did all the things expected from a husband.. Plumbing, hardware, maintanence... With no help for a long time. I gave, gave and gave some more. More than anyone will ever know. My health is in a not so good way after bottling up for so long. Various diagnoses, some still not known. It's awful feeling things growing and not knowing what the fuck is happening. And I'm dealing with these alone.

I will openly admit I most certainly am not entirely innocent here. I am so far from perfect. I have my flaws and I have obviously fucked up at times... I have been angry too but I'm a real softie and have always faced up to my demons and tried to apologise where I was wrong.

He has purposefully ignored very real issues for a number of years while making others and their issues more important than what was right in front of him and now he wants to give up?? Just like that????? Without shouldering the result of his actions and the consequences that have come along with those???? Without taking a fraction of what I have carried all these years?? He even said he would try speak with someone and he never has... And now he wants to just give up?? I'm sick and he wants to leave???
Now that he has all his eggs in his basket that I have also sacrified quality of life for and contributed emotionally and financially to helping him achieve what essentially were his goals and dreams.. what he was good at... he wants to divorce and fuck off???????

The only reason I post here is he is a well known member and looks up to many of you here and many of you up to him. Many of you are part of our lives. For the last few years I have encouraged him with setting up his grow, have contibuted financially and been there every step of the way, taking the risk, living an isolated life.
I know there are fucked up people in the world that dont care what they do but this is a good person who many people have given so much for. I'm afraid. And so goddam sad. I don't know what the fuck has happened to the person I would rather die for than not be with.
What do you think. Is this fair??
Ok. Not sure that you putting this here was the best tactic. It might make the user in question feel somewhat ambushed. I think you might want to stop posting and just let the thread roll. I hope it brings the best for you. Reading it made my heart bleed for you, but when I got the point where he was a user it made my butthole clench.

I can only say this... You need to do what is right for you and your girl. Her age is going to factor into it. I don't think the lack of a diagnosis means a lot though.

But I feel your fear of losing your partner and co-parent. But a whole lot of people have done it and ended up better off. You can too if that is the choice you must make.

Twelve years together and a daughter means that you need to give this serious thought and, possibly, time. Only you can say if you have.

If you do need to part, try to keep love in your heart. Do not take a chunk of flesh even if you feel the claws yourself as you undoubtably will. In the long run, you would regret it.


Well-Known Member
I hope you both get it sorted for the best. Meaning that if you are happier apart than together then so be it. It's never easy when children are involved and 12 years is a long time together.


Well-Known Member
Other than the undiagnosed bipolar shit, I just walked on 20 year relationship for ALL of those same reasons. I bet if you stand up for yourself and your little girl, his attitude will change, if you haven't already left. It is not possible to live your life to make other people happy. You can only push down those angry words and crap he spews at you for so long...then you snap...


Well-Known Member
This will pobably be my only post on RIU and I'll probably get into trouble for it too. It might sound really silly but I am in a very dark bad space right now, very sad, very angry, very confused... I really need some unbiased advice.. or something. From strangers. I am desperate.

For the last 12 years I have been married to a really awesome guy... So much beauty. So much strength. So much talent. So much potential. I love all of him with all my heart including all his little flaws (we all have those right??) We have the most incredible little girl who brings so much joy, amazing pets, a highly interesting life and we live in quite an incredible part of the world... Thanks to and with eternal respect, appreciation and gratitude to his parents. The best in-laws anyone could have. They honestly are the most unbelievably good souls who have provided for us for more than a decade. House car food schooling medical care... You name it. There are no words to describe just what kind of people these are. Incredible.

Like all marriages there are ups and downs and we have our issues and have most definitly been handed our fair share of trials with trust issues and obstacles which we have faced and struggled through together (some with great personal difficulty for me)

My husband told me he was bi-polar before we married and I accepted all the conditions that came with that. I was told what to expect with the downswings to a genius mind so I did not enter blindly... In sickness and in health... till death do us part.
I know who he really is. I have seen the real him.. I accepted and loved him for what he was. Always will.

Over the years various external factors caused these downswings to become more frequent. My interest was seen as prying. My support and encouragment was not seen for what it was, responses to my attempts at showing these became cruel and mean.. and my feelings and emotions were 'put on hold' and told they were not important enough to be heard many times because he might be having a bad day or week. I had to start thinking twice before saying or doing most things because I always ended up saying the wrong things simply because I was so nervous. Nothing I seemed to do was good enough. Even hugs. People started turning a blind eye to what I was actually going through and brushed me off whenever I asked for help telling me to let him do his thing... even though sometimes it was morally wrong and I didn't agree. Relationships with family and friends became strained and I have ended up seeing a shrink twice.

We had the most traumatic event happen in our lives as a family last year which I am still not managing to process... Because I have not been able to talk to anyone without feeling judged. It is humiliating and embarrassing. And in a way I've gone through too much. One more straw and I'm done.

I have just found out in the last 48hours that he has told all his friends we are getting divorced and he's blocked me on social media and refuses to say anything other than its final... I'm broken.

He has always refused and refuses to see a professional. Even though the symptoms of his bi-polar is destroying the lives of the people around him and who have supported him all these years. Not that anyone can make him. It's his choice. I know that.

What makes me so devastated is that I really did try to make his life easier in every way. I really have been there for him... In every way I could possibly stretch myself to show my loyalty and dedication to him and our marriage. Even though he rejected me so many times when he was angry... Not even with me sometimes...
But even at his worst I have been there. Patiently enduring and waiting.

I have had to go through what many people wouldnt be able to handle.. For a very long time and very much alone most of the time... Like how I had to drive myself when I needed surgery to prevent cancer. More than once.
Last night I got told that he was never actually professionally diagnosed!! Has all this been one huge big con? A lie? What?

I am afraid to admit that I am terrified. What do I do? I love this man and dont want to divorce. I did everything right.. so to speak.. I was the good wife, friend, housewife, porn star, mother, cook, cleaner, I looked after our daughter, gave him his space and freedom to be himself, compromised, sacrificed, got a career going for both of us at one stage in something we were both passionate about, did all the things expected from a husband.. Plumbing, hardware, maintanence... With no help for a long time. I gave, gave and gave some more. More than anyone will ever know. My health is in a not so good way after bottling up for so long. Various diagnoses, some still not known. It's awful feeling things growing and not knowing what the fuck is happening. And I'm dealing with these alone.

I will openly admit I most certainly am not entirely innocent here. I am so far from perfect. I have my flaws and I have obviously fucked up at times... I have been angry too but I'm a real softie and have always faced up to my demons and tried to apologise where I was wrong.

He has purposefully ignored very real issues for a number of years while making others and their issues more important than what was right in front of him and now he wants to give up?? Just like that????? Without shouldering the result of his actions and the consequences that have come along with those???? Without taking a fraction of what I have carried all these years?? He even said he would try speak with someone and he never has... And now he wants to just give up?? I'm sick and he wants to leave???
Now that he has all his eggs in his basket that I have also sacrified quality of life for and contributed emotionally and financially to helping him achieve what essentially were his goals and dreams.. what he was good at... he wants to divorce and fuck off???????

The only reason I post here is he is a well known member and looks up to many of you here and many of you up to him. Many of you are part of our lives. For the last few years I have encouraged him with setting up his grow, have contibuted financially and been there every step of the way, taking the risk, living an isolated life.
I know there are fucked up people in the world that dont care what they do but this is a good person who many people have given so much for. I'm afraid. And so goddam sad. I don't know what the fuck has happened to the person I would rather die for than not be with.
What do you think. Is this fair??
I dont want to go into detail because... trolls and cant let too much of your real self out around here..lets just I am experienced in the ways of together with kids and then being hated by the other person for no determinable reason, maybe by polar maybe not.

In any case when it comes to kids one parent or the other gets fucked....bottom line the court system is very broken when it comes to this....usually its the dude that gets fucked unless he has money, which in your case it sounds like he does, or at least his parents sure to have all your ducks in a row legally where the children are involved...I mean seriously do your research and contact lawyers to insure you got things lined up before you act especially if you believe the partner to be mentally unstable...

Thats all I got....when it comes to love I am the last person you should ever ask for advice I fail at that every time and I sympathize with you for what you have tried and fail to save, at some point you have to make the choice to give up or waste your life trying to fix something that is not willing to be fixed.

If that was you jessie I will make it my mission for the next year to find you and hurt you I already know the general area