desert strain


Active Member
our family is getting tired of our old standard locally acclimated landrace hybrid. we want to here what u all think is the best strains for semi arid climate. something that can handle very intermittant watering, and still produce fairly well.
Anything afgan or morrocan, they survive in fairly arid landscape. Most plants will survive in hot conditions once there waterd on a fairly regular baisis.
How hot does it get where u are? It gets over 100 for months here and anything does good just gotta start them early and keep them watered.O try and put them in the ground they will do better like that too
anything thats wat i kall kali weed/ganjah.,.,.,indian herbs used for hash making and known to be from indian decent is well tuned for dry conditions.,.,
another thing u can do is put a white tarp over the plants when the sun is at the hottest. at around 12-4 ish to help shade a lil bit and keep the temps down but still also gettin sun
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do morrocans or afgans water their plants or do they let nature take its course?

it gets up to 105 and can stay over 97 for months but 88 to 92 is more typical for summer (sometimes it wont go over 80 for weeks). it can be rainy-humid or hot-dry at any time in the summer season.

the indian herb is from the desert savanah part of india right?

cant use tarps we are strickly stealth guerilla growers. nothing that draws attention.

our local land race is very stealthy no more than four foot and very spreading/bushy/squat grows well under taller brush and is unbelievably tolerant of drought. we mostly depend on summer rain for a good crop. the plants that dont survive dont get to pass any genes. we maybe lose about 20-30% of our crop every year.
Something like Durban Poison could take that heat......basically your looking for a strain that comes from Africa and can take really high heat.