Desomorphine & Crocodile Dundee Strike Back!


Well-Known Member
We all remember when we were young glued to the tub watching the adventurous accounts of Crocodile Dundee. He was quite illiterate in the real world but posed a certain kind of artistry in the outback. Supposedly, his leg was lost to a water wilder beast; however, it only turned out to be a gaping scare. This movie was actually inspired by a true story. You may ask, "What beckons the story of a Australian Out Doors man?" It's that of the Crocodile itself. A certain drug has come into surface over the past year. A drug posing an almost instant death warrant. This drug makes a Heroine addict look like a kindred spirit. It received its unique slang term from the stomach churning effects of user's skin scaling and peeling until the epidermis is of no superficial value. It runs hard in Russian streets as the main ingredient codeine is sold over the counter. It's this feasible counterpart that is semi-synthesized into a more potent form resembling Morphine. Afterwards, it's hot needle magic served on the veins of the helpless. It has basically landed on the doorsteps of many poor driven Russian as the "anatomically" correct DESO-MORPHINE! When it comes to drugs and more so drug education in Russia... everything is lumped into one huge centrifuge of Totalitarian bullshit. This account basically validates my reasons. Is this a Myth Buster or Cruel Hard Facts? Let the deliberations begin...
it is true... he was Rodney William Ansell... and not only the movie but more than likely inspired Steve Irwin as well...

its sad he died in a shootout with the po's all over the stupid and retarded legal system has on guns :(
to make the jump from crocodile dundee then the jump into hard drugs and "deso-morphine"... and the "Krok"

im not sure what random tangents your post is delving into there lol...

man that must be some spacey weed ;)
to make the jump from crocodile dundee then the jump into hard drugs and "deso-morphine"... and the "Krok"

im not sure what random tangents your post is delving into there lol...

man that must be some spacey weed ;)

Psychedelics Cryptics my friend. Now that Ndanj is back youll get used to his tounge

Also Ndanj i dont now much about DMorph. Glad i dont, seems gruely wicked
To enlighten the listeners...

I'll release some footage. Please keep this from your children if you have any. It's disturbing.


to make the jump from crocodile dundee then the jump into hard drugs and "deso-morphine"... and the "Krok"

im not sure what random tangents your post is delving into there lol...

man that must be some spacey weed ;)

I speak in Allegoric Cryptics... you may interpret it however you want but I try to generate an effect; which it this case I've caused you ranter about my literally style :D

Glad I could be of service!

No weed, just sobriety.
yeah im aware of it as well ndanger and you are right people can get really f'd up on that and not in the good way... kinda like what happens to long term meth users :(
nah i was just playin around about the spaciness thing... but i def get the allegory though... just was throwing in some witty banter ;)
nah i was just playin around about the spaciness thing... but i def get the allegory though... just was throwing in some witty banter ;)

I love to bake and banter, how exquisite :D

This stuff seems a bit more alarming then methamphetamine though. The root of this thread is to find out whether Desomorphine actually causes the decay or improper synthesization play a factor. Or is the media playing mischief to lure users to stop abusing Desomorphine.
I love to bake and banter, how exquisite :D

This stuff seems a bit more alarming then methamphetamine though. The root of this thread is to find out whether Desomorphine actually causes the decay or improper synthesization play a factor. Or is the media playing mischief to lure users to stop abusing Desomorphine.

yeah it is much more alarming due to the quick rate of side effects to the drug... :(

meth users can last a year before lookin like total shite but krok users look like shite in no time flat...

but i still dont think its a good idea for any agency or corporate body i.e. govt. to tell people what they can or cannot consume...

no wait they can tell them all they want to just not physically get in their way of using or doing it, or restricting and taking away the components/ingredients to build it...

as long as they are treating them like the Netherlands does when it comes to their compassionate approach i find that to be the best method of prevention and treatment possible...

this is what happens with "drug control" and prohibition is when certain BETTER drugs and natural drugs are not commonly available...

Fortunately... it is not the compound of desomorphine itself, as it is NOT the problem and is relatively safe...

However... it is the fact, that it is first of all much shorter in length of high and users will tend to overcrock or overcook themselves to make it last longer...

ultimately, the real problem and harmful issue is when these "chemists" or wannabe chemists go out there and try to cook whatever they can find under the kitchen sink and make a bunch of synthetic and chemically "similar" crap, but not exact and it ends up being extremely hazardous shite which is no good :(
I cant see a drug turning some ones skin scaly

I have to say to many unwanted byproducts and possibly right lack of nutrition while high on it
No weed, just sobriety.
That's why he was having trouble :)

Krokodil is terrible. The stuff makes one pot shit meth look like it's fucking healthy by comparison. It's the problem with easily synthed drugs. And Russia has a huge problem with opioids. For awhile the demand was filled with exotic fentanyls when there wasn't enough heroin, but now it's just gonna be addicts doing this. I can't imagine what would make someone desperate to shoot this garbage. And the Russians aren't going to do anything because there drug policy is the only good drug user is a dead one.
Codeine is a good starting material for making many far more potent opioids. Pure desomorphine would be a problem alone. It's got all the hallmarks of a highly addictive drug, superfast onset and short acting (the rush is supposed to be faster than Dilaudid and the duration shorter). Add to it flesh rotting impurities and you have harm reductions worst nightmare.
So if you do dope be grateful, there's sick junkies in Russia who have to poison themselves to get high.
yeah it is much more alarming due to the quick rate of side effects to the drug... :(

meth users can last a year before lookin like total shite but krok users look like shite in no time flat...

but i still dont think its a good idea for any agency or corporate body i.e. govt. to tell people what they can or cannot consume...

no wait they can tell them all they want to just not physically get in their way of using or doing it, or restricting and taking away the components/ingredients to build it...

as long as they are treating them like the Netherlands does when it comes to their compassionate approach i find that to be the best method of prevention and treatment possible...

this is what happens with "drug control" and prohibition is when certain BETTER drugs and natural drugs are not commonly available...

Fortunately... it is not the compound of desomorphine itself, as it is NOT the problem and is relatively safe...

However... it is the fact, that it is first of all much shorter in length of high and users will tend to overcrock or overcook themselves to make it last longer...

ultimately, the real problem and harmful issue is when these "chemists" or wannabe chemists go out there and try to cook whatever they can find under the kitchen sink and make a bunch of synthetic and chemically "similar" crap, but not exact and it ends up being extremely hazardous shite which is no good :(

To a certain degree the government must make a operating code of law or humans wouldn't function as a whole... but instead in scattered pierces with no relative theme to life. Thus, there has to be a certain degree on how codeine is obtained whether over the counter, or not. If you would see how the Russian Regime takes to codeine and its abundant sales you'll see that they're profiteering off other peoples misfortunates. The OTC drug and its manufacture make sure the label stays OTC. I'm pretty sure all the negative effects caused by Desomorphine stem from improper synthesis/extraction. But it just shows that if a country can ban other drugs or make them highly unattainable by the public... they can oversee that codeine demands a prescription.