Details about temperature measurement


I have started my first grow project and, despite I have read a ton of materials about grow, I have question about temperature measurements - is it correct that I should take into account box`s T. that measured not to close to lights? I have an 125 CFL and new plants some 10-14 cm from lights (around 4 inches). T. is about 30 degrees ( F. 87) which is a bit too much, but T. next to pots are around 27 (F 80), which is good.

P.s. Sorry about my English, it`s not my native.


New Member
I am not sure I understand what you are asking. I think you are asking if the temperature of your box is more important than the temperature near your plants? The temperature on or near your plants is what is important.

Illegal Smile

Well-Known Member
The temps at various points around the box are nothing but an indicator of what the "natural" temp in the box might be. That depends on what the ambient (natural) temp outside the box is. The cooler you can keep the room, the cooler the box will be and the easier it will be to dissipate the "unnatural" heat from the light. Now, what matters to the plants is the temp at the top of the foliage under the lights. 87 is way too hot, even 80 isn't good. You need to move more cool air into the box (where will it come from?) and more hot air out of the box (where will it go?).


Well-Known Member
get your lights closer,like a centimeter, and find away to cool it. more exhaust, more intake......whatever it takes.....for optimal yields.


Well-Known Member
The temp should be taken from the top of your plant's,this will give you the reading that you need.30 IS NOT IDEAL BUT IT IS NOT THAT BAD I HAVE HAD SOME GOOD RESULTS WITH TEMPS AROUND THIS RANGE,SORRY ABOUT CAPS BEEN ON LOL.Have a fan blowing across the tops of the plants this will keep the temps down,get a good out let fan that will pull the heat out of the room and a small er fan to bring cool air in,lets say i use a 9" out let and a 6" inlet.I have never had any problems with any of my grow since keying the room, when i first started i was so parah about the room temps till i met a long term grower who show me the way i use up till this day.