Detecting males without 12/12?

Is there any tell tale signs you're growing a male plant? Some say the faster growing plants are usually the males, I can see that being no issue if you're using the same strain, but in my case I am not. The known strains I have are different and the rest could be anything (bag seed). So I don't know if its just different genetics resulting in different growth or maybe both? Ive heard all plants show there sex at 6 weeks but it takes a good eye with a magnifying glass to determine pistol from pod. Only reason I don't just sex them with the light schedule is I don't want to stress them with the reveg process since they will be going outdoors and that would cut into some veg time. Any advice welcome and appreciated.


Well-Known Member
You dont have to stress them... just let them do their thing. if you check them everyday or at least every week youll see the male before its able to fuck your girls.