Detoxing for all you job seekers


Well-Known Member
So im graduating college in about a week, and im starting to look for a full time grown up job. I smoked my last bowl on Dec 1st, and i took a home test this morning (about 9 days). Failed with flying colors. Ive got my first job interview at JB Hunt on Wednesday, and im getting plenty other calls.

So im going to keep this journal for everyone else in my situation who is worried and might need an idea what to expect. Im 6"0, 195lbs, semi-active, and before i was a regular/chronic smoker. Total i would smoke about an 1/8th a week. I would say i smoked an average of 2 blunts a day for a few months, before i realized smoking out of a bong was so much better. With the bong i smoked less, i'd say 2-3 bowls a day. Sometimes i would smoke 5 bowls a days, sometimes i smoked 1. I been smoking this heavy for about 8 months or so.

So, im going to step up my efforts, like guzzling water, and im going to run once or twice a day to sweat more. Im going to test myself again on friday morning, if i dont piss clean, im going to purchase one of those powdered urine kits.

Enjoy the ride guys.
I just looked at the tests again i took for this morning before i threw it in the trash, with the sun coming through my window, giving me a better look. On one of the tests, you can just baaaaaarely see a second faint line, which is a good sign, so i may not be that far away from pissing clean as i thought.
Just learned a lesson today. 14 days in and used two strips to test myself today, failed them both. Line didnt even show up in the slightest. The only thing i did different was drink way less fluids than i had the past couple days, because i got confident when the lines started showing up darker everyday. So how many fluids you drink makes a huge difference. Hopefully, ill test myself again Monday morning and be a little more detoxed. Otherwise, im ordering that powdered urine.
Could just have been that your urine was so diluted before from drinking so much fluids. I deal with piss tests all the time through work and a diluted piss is either a retest or a fail where we get tested, usually a fail because it means you are trying to hide something. Many labs count that as a masking agent. Your best bet is to get a flush kit or some clean piss. Make sure the piss is warm or the test will show it and you will fail. Nobody pisses cold lol.
b vitamins, water , creatine , and sweat. lots of sweat. if you maintain a low body fat %(under 10) ,drink lots o water , and workout everyday you can pretty much pass a piss test in three days. possibly less. thats of course if you smoke like i smoke .. which is like 4-6 small bong hits per night. . i feel your stress in this situation . i myself am scared as shit of randoms. i admire your perseverance to stay clean . good luck with the job hunt dude
I've passed two using synthetic. Buy, shake, microwave, strap hand warmer around container and stick in sock. Be punctual, polite, and dress decent. Last time I went the guy was making allot of noise while I was in the john, a friend that works with U.D.S.'s said that the guy was trying to help me out. I don't know all I do know is that it worked twice. Good Luck, if you're flushing you're looking at the 30 day mark, more if you are on the tubby side of the scale.
according to a man that came to our work to have a meeting with us(some safety dude /drug test dude). . you can actually eat as many edible pot things you want because they way our body absorbs it is different than smoking it.he could have been trying to trick people though. the way most people test is just if you were smoking it he said .feel free to chime in if this sound at all credible
Yeah being sober sucks. But, gotta get a job. I think im going to go ahead and place that order for powdered urine from Ive heard synthetics arent the way to go anymore cause labs can test for that. Is that true?
Who the hell is doing these tests?
What jobs are you going for ?
Apart from the emergency services here in the UK this test business is U.N. heard of.
I have smoked for the last 15years and more than your eighth a week , more like a day , I have a decent career, do drinkers get tested for god sake?
Are they testing for all types of drugs?
You have two states where mj is legal how does that work , are you only allowed to work in said states?
Lol@ powder urine. Desperate measures for desperate times.
I'd say that sounds legit. If they know some chemicals that are known to detox, then they probably scan for those too if the employer asks.
It won't be instant but ya, I think "olden day" remedies are often the best.
Also lots of water but don't overdo it - 2.5 liters a day is plenty. In fact it's recommended even if you're not trying to clean your body of toxins.
Also found this: 5 Simple & Easy Ways to Flush Toxins and Poisons out of Your Life
Who the hell is doing these tests?
What jobs are you going for ?
Apart from the emergency services here in the UK this test business is U.N. heard of.
I have smoked for the last 15years and more than your eighth a week , more like a day , I have a decent career, do drinkers get tested for god sake?
Are they testing for all types of drugs?
You have two states where mj is legal how does that work , are you only allowed to work in said states?
Lol@ powder urine. Desperate measures for desperate times.

I was tested when working in a Cardboard factory... Basically any "high" paying job in Canada and the States wants to test their employees these days. Another I know of near me is another factory the make detonators.. Some make sense, others don't...
I am amazed if I'm honest
What about the legal states ?
The UK constitution says this would be a breach of human rights.
I feel for you guys. If this were the case here I could never work again.
I don't know the legal states. But basically here the way it is, is if you want to work at some place and they decide to test employees, you sign something as to say you agree or they do not hire you. They can chalk up the non-hire to wtv they like.
They can't drug test without your consent, but like I said, they don't have to keep you around or hire you in the first place either. It's still our choice in the end so the rights are not violated. Even though the choices suck.
Ok I see now
Thank you for explaining that for me.
One more question. . .
Why are they testing urine and not swabbing your DNA. . ?
Both systems are readily available, DNA more accurate.
Interested to know what happens if you live in a legal state but work in another?
I'm guessing you just would be discriminated against.