Diablo OG week 9


I have a small micro grow with a 400w, I am in week 9 and some of the top colas still have yellow\white hairs. Should I let it go for 11 weeks? or should I chop at 10 weeks?



Its diablo OG from a local club. There is 2 small 3 footers in the pic. Any advice by advanced or novice growers?


Well-Known Member
looks kinda leafy and ugly , lol, the biker kush pheno i have at the moment looks quite similar to yours oh well nice and fat though
still a great smoke

peace :)


Thanks guys for the info, ya I will borrow my friends scope!!! I have been reading up on fox tailing and that its usually the genetics or stress to the plant. My temps range from 69-86 So I dont think its from heat. Any suggestion for next grow, on how to fix this problem?


Active Member
Is this what your calling Foxtailing.....
That's a usually known as a "blockhead" cola. It's usually genetic; kind of like foxtailing. In my experience, foxtailing occurs with heat stress (79F+), or when you add those PK boosters in the last weeks of flowering.


Well-Known Member
Kyle dont see anything Wrong in the last pic cept some serious swell going on.Very pretty plants