Diagnose my plants, please! Auto Fem White Dwarf First Grow


Active Member
I am about 20 days into my first grow using a grow tent with a 400W HPS bulb and circulation fan. The past week I've noticed that one of my plants began to yellow at the edge of their leafs and the lower branched leaves began to yellow and shrivel in my other plant. I'm using Auto White Dwarf seeds with a 18/6 light cycle, Fox Farms Ocean Forest mixed with about 20% perlite.

I am using 1-2ml of Oneness nutrients with 1.5L of tap water that has sat for 24 hours or more. I water every other day with the 1.5 litres between the two plants. One of my plants looks to be much healthier than the other plant.

Please let me know if you have any advice as to how I can remedy and fix both plants. I transplanted them into larger pots last weekend as an FYI.

Should I be watering more? Using less nutrients? Supplementing the Oneness nutrients with others? Please advise, thanks!
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Active Member
my vote goes to nutrient burnt and over watering. ffof is a relatively "hot" medium and should feed your little autos for several weeks. what size pots are you using? why are you using nutrients when they are this small and young?


Well-Known Member
also autos dont need much nutes at all sometimes none at all you may be good just in the ocean forest without nutes whats your tap ph


Well-Known Member
At 20 days, I don't think you should already have a feeding schedule, and when you repot those, I would add more Perlite next time if it was me.


Active Member
I was just following the chart that came with my nutrients. See link: http://www.humboldtnutrients.com/blog/oneness/

I'll lay off of nutes and water for awhile. This being my first grow I know I definitely over watered them for awhile.

Anyone else have any thoughts? Are they small for being 20+ days old?
the chart that came with your nutrients is designed to get you to use up the bottle quickly and have to go buy more, it has little to do with what your plants actually need. knowing what and how to feed a plant is something that can be learned only through experience, in my opinion anyways.


Active Member
I won't water for several days and lay off the Nutes. Do you think they can recover?

Any advice on easy first timer strains?