
My baby is in a half gallon, peatmoss, potting soil, perlite mixture. No nutes fed. 240 watts of 6500k CFLs. Not over watering. No bugs. Why are my leaves dying starting from the bottom sets ?



Well-Known Member
My vote is for being nitrogen deficient - give a light dose of nutrients (for vegetative growth/"Grow") and see if there is an improvement over the course of at least a few days to a week. Nitrogen is a mobile element and if deficient, the plant will take what it needs from old growth (at the bottom of the plant) and use it for new growth (which may also appear a bit more pale than usual).

Edit to add: Any improvement will be seen in new growth rate and color if that was the problem - the old leaves at the bottom are not going to get better.


Well-Known Member
That leaf is specifically showing what's called interveinal chlorosis or yellowing between the veins...a classic sign of Mg deficiency. So go careful on the nutes. Maybe 1/4 dose and perhaps add a bit if Epsom salts to it. I usually go with 1/4 tsp/gal as a maintenance dose...but since you have a deficiency, you might double that.