Dialing in on temp & humidity for drying

Hello all!

I harvested my bubba autos about two days ago, and I have been keeping a close eye on my tent where I am drying. I noticed throughout the day that my temp and humidity is on point, right around 70F and 50-55% humidity.At night on the other hand, I wake up to see that the temp is is at 58F and humidity at 40-44%. Any recommendations to get in the sweet zone throughout the night as well, would be much appreciated. California literally decided to cool down right when I harvested ‍:roll:
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I think you might think of getting a small heater inside the tent. I had a very small one (fits on a desk) connected to an Inkbird with a sensor, so that if it dipped below 65F it would kick on. Having more heat in the tent will probably bring your humidity up a bit too I would think.

Are you using an intake or exhaust fan for your tent? I would hope at least an exhaust fan.. If that is true, what setting do you have it on?