Diary of a 1st time hashmaker


Well-Known Member
HOLY FUCK!!! ive pulled down 2 harvests now and have been soo busy i forgot to finally complete the majority of the reason i started growing. Hash. Yum yum. I love bud....but it can dry to dust for all of me as long as I can scrape all the gooey goodness off of its corpse first.
I did some research (of course) and realized i already knew what i was doing. All these guides suck more chode than Jenna Jameson. However I'm also a lazy bastard. How can i do this with as little shit as possible? Sobriety is for the dead so lets do this while im fuckin torched, on a work night at 7pm. Better get a beer, grab a razor blade and a bottle of ISO this shits gettin real.
Razor Blade
That should do it. Drop in the first round of trim, fill with an inch or 2 ISO and take a rip. Shake well. SHIT! i forgot a glass baking dish. Run to grab it.
In my haste to get the weed out before it starts pulling other shit out of the pot I knock over jar all over living room floor.
40 minutes later.....
OK so i probably still know more about making hash than 6 other people. Lets start over. Forget the coffee filter have to run back and grab a few of them.
Bunch up like half the filter in one hand and pour slowly from the jar with the other. Pour too much and drop trim all over the glass dish. Damnit.
Ok..ok..ok I still probably know more about making hash than most people.
an hour later.....
finish gettin all the ISO ran through look at it in the pan and realize i don't have any ventilation going, good thing i spent the whole time toking to be sure the smoke absorb any fumes...
Wash hands. Still sticky. Repeat. Still fucking sticky. Repeat 3 more times, realize im wasting my time with soap. You know my buddy said if i rub it in my hair the oil will help dissolve the hash. HEY it actually worked. I start to feel satisfied, comfortable in the knowledge that im a hash making god.
a few hours later
feeling really tired. Hey why do my hands burn like my doodad does when i pee? Rashy spots all over the back of them starting to crack and peel. Son of a bitch must have been all the ISO with no gloves! my hands are drier than Opra's squishmitten. Where did i put that razor blade?....
20 minutes later
So i found the razor blade, got my pan ready and am ready to gather me a up a button of some of the primo shatter.
WTF is this !?!?!?!??!
Hey someone stole my hash and left this brown crap in my pan! Ive been ganked! Fuck it ill gather it all up anyhow. Can't find any pliers to hold the blade (stolen from a box knife) so ill just use my hands im man enough. Realize this shit is sticky. Shit i don't want to scrape all this up it's like work or something. Place glass dish on stove, turn on real low. It will turn all gooey and ill make my life easy peasy.
25 minutes later....
Whats that smell? Crap, my hash! Burn hands lifting dish with no potholders, drop on counter. Im glad i know what im doing. This would be a disaster if it were rookie doing this.
10 minutes later
Damnit my hands are all oily now. Wash with some ISO (Hey thats a good idea!) rub leftovers out in my hair. Goodnight.
Next day i come home early from work. The Wife asks why im home early. Got fired, boss said my hair smelled like pot. Fuck. At least i can make a fortune with my hash making skills.