did i get the wrong size chicken wire to scorg?


Active Member
Ok so i been reading up on how to get the most out of a flat grow and it seems scorg can increase yield rather well some people been saying nearly 40%. This made be decide to take a crack at it how ever i fear a may have bought the wrong size chicken wire for the job the one i got has holes about 2 inch each is that to large or should it still work fine? Another question i have not seen this come up any were and was curious does scorg effect potency at all? the reason i ask is i read the strongest bud is in the cola bud the head of the plant now if i scorg does that mean that all the colas will be as good as the original would be or that i will get more yield but at the cost of losing some of the cola's potency?


Well-Known Member
A pic would be nice,...understand chicken wire is very flexible and so should you, having done a good FIM, wait for those shoots to appear,and loop through or tie back ...be flexible, colas is where the thc is most, all the colas are about as potent as each other ...more thc in the top most colas though, but I doubt if you notice, I don't ...lol buz buz!