Old bottle has .02 K and a Sebastopol CA address. New Bottle showed up saying .5 K and a Santa Rosa CA address. Then I noticed that they both claim to be 1 pint or 16 ozs but one says 473ml and the other says 437ml, which seems like just the type of dumb type-o a counterfeiter would make.
i checked GH’s product line on their website and they’re showing a Floralicious Plus that matches my old bottle and has a .02 K ratio.
Has the product changed and they just haven’t updated their website, or did I just get a bunk bottle of FL+ off of Amazon?
i checked GH’s product line on their website and they’re showing a Floralicious Plus that matches my old bottle and has a .02 K ratio.
Has the product changed and they just haven’t updated their website, or did I just get a bunk bottle of FL+ off of Amazon?