Did i kill my seeds? saw water vapor


Active Member
Its hovering around 55F where I live and I don't have a heating pad, so I thought I'd take some moist tissue paper with my seeds in it and put it inside a rice cooker (not set to cook, just warm) I checked in a couple of hours and the tissue was dried up and saw some vapor when i opened the cooker. *$%(

What temp can the seeds survive at? I think I might have fried them


Well-Known Member
im gonna dust one off from the 80's, it summerizes this entire situation-

"Smooth move, ex-lax!"

lol j/k...

yeah id say you cooked em, unless you were shootin for popcorn


Well-Known Member
ha um seeds can probably only handle temps that a plant could so more than 90F and there probably toast sorry dude. if they dont grow then you know that putting them in a rice cooker doesn't work, and you know not to do that again next time, right?