Did i mess up?

So i harvested, wet trimmed and dried for 4 days.
I separated into 4 jars by bud size. The largest jar is stable at 62% which is perfect from what i have read. The other two are at 58% and 55%.
I am reading a ton of contradicting information on curing when it comes to humidity. Some say 40% is the absolute lowest you can go before it stops curing, others say 55% and some say 50%.

Is it too late for my jars at 55% or am i able to rehydrate at this point? Thanks guys.
Mix the buds from the 62% jar with the lower % buds.
Also check hygrometers accuracy, they usually vary from one to the next, especially the cheap little ones most of us use.
A Bodega or Integra moisture pack has helped me rehydrate when my buds got too dry.

62% is right on.

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