Did I screw myself with nutes

newbie grow420

Active Member
Ok I posted about how often to feed and I think I scewed up I put a "heavy feeding" which was 4tsp to a gallon. But I am using a 5 gallon bucket with 4 gallons of soil will it be ok cause someone wrote to start with like 25% then 50% and so on. Is this really bad


Well-Known Member
flush it if you think it might be looking alitle ...whimpie?...know what i mean? flush with about 4gals. of plain water. should be okay. god luck.


bud bootlegger
how old are your plants? if they are in early veg, i would say you may get burnt, pun intended... but if they are a little older, say later veg stage, they you may get away with it.. not to mention that some plants are way more nute sensitive than others and tend to burn a lot easier than others... so it may all depend on your strain... if you are really worried about it, give it a good flush with ph'ed water and leave her alone for awhile..
i was also told to do the 1/4 dosage and build up by 1/4 so that after a month i was at full dose, and i didn't have any prob's this way.


Well-Known Member
Need more info to advise... How old are ur plants? How big? First feeding? Light power?

newbie grow420

Active Member
plants are about six weeks old and about 10 days into flowering just found out i have 2 girls yesterday. My light are 2 42 watt cfl 1 over each plant


Well-Known Member
Yeah, that's a fair overdose they got there. I would just watch closely how the plants react. If you see the little tips of your leaves start turning brown, then flush your pots. Flushing is a stress in itself, so better to just see if you can ride it out.