Did I screw this FIM up?

The first picture shows my original cut. The second shows what that has grown into after 5 days. This was my first attempt at fimming so maybe this is normal and what it should look like. In the second picture you can see the two off shoots have short leafs where I cut them but this other growth is coming right up through the middle of them.



Well-Known Member
Well it does stand for fuck I missed, so maybe you missed :) I've had some fims grow out funny afterwards. Ideally it's going to grow into 4+ tops but not always!
Just updated the pictures. They Didn't take the first time for some reason. I need to get these into flower asap as they are growing out of control. So if I screwed this one up I may just top both of my plants.


Well-Known Member
looks like you missed but it still worked somewhat. you coulld try again. but just remember next time to peel it open and let the fully formed leaves grow and dont cut them. you want to spread it open get the tips of your scissors down in there and jut cut thr growing budlet, not the leaves, you mostly cut the leaves and probably only got the tip of the budlet hiding inside with your cut.


Active Member
Yeah same experience here, fimmed at about 80% of the cut, and didnt get any extra tops, the top that was cut 80% just recouped and grew back, tried it again at a little lower cut about 90% and it did the same thing. Said fuck it and just topped her before it was to late


Well-Known Member
dont top just attemp to FIM again, now that you have a better idea of what your doing. shit ill do a pic tutorial right now if thats what you need. of course that will require me to go take pics and fim a plant which isnt a problem just a little time consuming. fimming has less recovery time.
Too late.. I just topped them both. I'll be able to live with the consequences, its my first grow and if the yields suffer a bit I'm ok with that. I think I really started the FIM process too late in the game anyways.

I really appreciate you being willing to do that though! For now I'm good. I just need to stop these monsters from taking over my little tents.


Well-Known Member
im pretty sure i messed up my fim attempt also except there is now 2 for sure growing in with a little stub hanging off kinda funny and then a set fan leaves grew in too so you could say 4 came out instead of 1 just not tops


Well-Known Member
I don't even cut when I fim. I just kind of bend the new growth over above a new node so it snaps at the node, just above the leaves. Maybe I'm doing it wrong but it seems to work for me.