Well-Known Member
I just got done building a new grow cabnet yesturday. It's 30"x30"x48". I have a 400watt HPS inside it that I just got a little over a week ago. The plants have been under CFLs. I have an exhaust fan running and venting through a carbon filter into the room it is located in(works fine no smell whats so ever). The plants that are in there are on 12/12. Most are about 5 weeks into flowering. Some I just put in there to flower yesturday. Now this morning I was waiting for my timer to go on so everything would kick on(just wanted to make sure everything came on at the right time and functioned right, it did). I opened the cabnet and there was water droplets all over all of my plants. It looked like it rained inside this cabnet. I looked at the top thinking something leaked into the cabnet, but nothing. Nothing on the floor of the cabnet either. Just droplets of water all over the plants. I mean alot. It really looked like it just rained in there. Here's a picture of some of the water droplets on there still. Most have dried up so far, but I don't want it doing this every night. Temps in the cabnet are about 75-80 so far. The cabnet is located in my basment. Humidity is about 60%. I do have a dehumidifier running. I am kinda at a lose for what to do to prevent this from happening. I am now worried about bud rot if this happens all the time.
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