Did my fim work?

I at first thought that I cut too low but now I think I cut a little too high. This is my first time fimming and I don't know what it's should look like. I see new growth in the middle where the main stem is so is my plant fimmed right or no the picture is 3 days after the fimming.

Should i I cut the middle growth to stop it?

Thanks everyone



Well-Known Member
Fimming is weird. I filmed the lower branches on one of my plants and topped the other. I'm done fimming. I will put up some pics tonight when lights come on. Now that you took your plant in that direction and it's allready recovering appropriately I wold leave it be.


Well-Known Member
Looks fine.... later once those leaves develop. Please, don't ask why they look weird. It's because they were cut. Normal.


Well-Known Member
FIM ( Fuck I Missed)
Looks fine.... later once those leaves develop. Please, don't ask why they look weird. It's because they were cut. Normal.


Well-Known Member
My pics won't upload for some reason. I'm just going to say that I'll stick with topping because it's a solid practice and fimming isn't reliable.
Fimming, never worked very well for me actually. Seems like it takes to long for the plant to come back. And sometimes you don't get it right... Like I'd say that little nub^ in the center should prolly be removed for best results. But I prefer topping them instead, seems to work better.

Cap'n Jack

I love to FIM. I just pinch off half of the new growth by hand and take what I get. I've never gotten fewer than three new tops out of the center and it gives the sides a chance to catch up.

Leave the nub.