Did you smoke herb throughout school or college?


Well-Known Member
I didn't smoke much in high school, but I smoke now. I have a 3.75 GPA...(every now and then a jag off or two gives me a B). If you're determined to do well in school you can do so even if you smoke weed. I think weed is just a big distraction and if you let it get the better of you then you could fail. Just stay focused and you should be fine.


Well-Known Member
same here, i treat weed as a reward now more than anything. i don't smoke before homework or nights before exams. i save it for after and the anticipation makes it so much better


Well-Known Member
smoked the last few months of senior year (smoked only over summer before) and smoke every day of university life.

Iron Lion Zion

Well-Known Member
Everyday in College...
B.A. Biology Cum Laude
You are much more likely to struggle with College because of other thing than because of weed.
My daily schedule for class days was wake up - smoke - go to class - smoke - do homework - work out - smoke - study more if necessary/hang out with friends - smoke - sleep and repeat.
The only classes I made Cs in were Organic Chemistry and Physics... and those are the two most difficult classes at my school. My GPA actually increased as my smoking increased... It's not fair to blame weed for bad grades, only the person.


Well-Known Member
Before highschool, all through high school, and the time following high school, and now in college