Different kind of help me thread....anyone know about Bitcoin???

Red Eyed

Well-Known Member
So I tried making a payment with Bitcoin for the first time ever....I have no idea what I am doing. I sent the payment in " Bitcoin Core " from my PC. The transaction went through and the money was taken from my account, however, it has been " transmitting the payment " for a good 2-3 hours now. Is this something common? Something I need to change or do? Any help is appreciated. Thanks!!!
2 - 3 hours?

Have you called anyone to cuss them out?

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8x10 Sign Five Dollar Whining Charge No Complaint Department vtg Wall Funny  Work | eBay

I have not used that service I hope you get it cleared up with minimum stress.
2 - 3 hours?

Have you called anyone to cuss them out?

Complaints Department Cartoons and Comics - funny pictures from CartoonStock

8x10 Sign Five Dollar Whining Charge No Complaint Department vtg Wall Funny  Work | eBay

I have not used that service I hope you get it cleared up with minimum stress.
Yea it's kinda crazy....something with the network and how they transmit the payment. New to me so I have no idea. I just wanted to use this method because of the freebies and such that come with using Bitcoin as payment.
It costs, it's the same as if I sent cash or debit card. So no additional charges. Just normally all banks offer more for using Bitcoin as payment instead of other methods. ( at least the banks I am using )
1. cost - the total spent for goods or services including money and time and labor. expenditure, outgo, outlay, spending - money paid out; an amount spent.

Including but not limited to money.

When I cuss there is a cost.
homeboy smiley
Resurrecting this thread.

If anyone is interested, beginning next week some major wall street financial firms are making announcements about Bitcoin basically being accepted into the "mainstream" financial markets.

Now would be a great time to take part of that stimulus check and invest it.
I have a feeling we're about to see a repeat of the early 90's Yahoo stock boom...

Bitcoin transactions do take some time, which is why Ethereum is thought to be a better crypto in many ways.
Resurrecting this thread.

If anyone is interested, beginning next week some major wall street financial firms are making announcements about Bitcoin basically being accepted into the "mainstream" financial markets.

Now would be a great time to take part of that stimulus check and invest it.
I have a feeling we're about to see a repeat of the early 90's Yahoo stock boom...

Bitcoin is so inflated already though, how much higher can it really go?
Bitcoin is so inflated already though, how much higher can it really go?
Bitcoin is based on a "limited supply" system, which means there is only so much of it.

Basically, that means it's worth as much as someone is willing to pay for it.
When 99.99% of it is gone, how much do you think a Bezos, Gates, Musk etc... would be willing to pay for that last .01%?

I'm betting a lot....
Bitcoin is based on a "limited supply" system, which means there is only so much of it.

Basically, that means it's worth as much as someone is willing to pay for it.
When 99.99% of it is gone, how much do you think a Bezos, Gates, Musk etc... would be willing to pay for that last .01%?

I'm betting a lot....
Sure, I get that, but something is also only valuable when others are willing to purchase it from you for said price. I can have a "limited supply" of sand grains in my pocket, but that doesn't make each grain suddenly valuable. The reality is that Bitcoin is old crypto tech. It's slow and old, so what exactly makes it valuable, when there are so many other decentralized crypto options out there these days. I heard they are going to reduce the supply of ETH this summer, so watch for a spike in that coin later this year: https://decrypt.co/60395/upgrade-reduce-supply-ethereum-gets-launch-date-eip-1559
That's the thing though, just like the websites of the early 90's, not all the "newest/best" ones survived the initial bubble/burst.

The ones that gained footing in the mass markets and with the general public are the only ones that survived and went on to become the large entities they are today.

Bitcoin transactions must be confirmed and incorporated into the block chain
before anyone believes them. More confirmations require longer times.

Somewhere there is probably a listing of how many confirmations your
transaction has currently received and how many the seller requires.

You can search the blockchain for your transaction and view it's progress
to Nigeria with one of the many blockchain explorers.
That's the thing though, just like the websites of the early 90's, not all the "newest/best" ones survived the initial bubble/burst.

The ones that gained footing in the mass markets and with the general public are the only ones that survived and went on to become the large entities they are today.
Does it support ATM transactions?

Cosmos is a network of blockchains, aka "the internet of blockchains".. https://cosmos.network/