Different strokes for different folks


Active Member
I WAS SPEAKING WITH A FELLOW GROWER THE OTHER DAY, TELLING HIM I HAD SOME PERFECT 62% RH/STABLE, CURED BUD FOR HIM TO SAMPLE, sorry caps, anyway he mentioned what's this 62% nonsense as it does not grind up well, as us brits like much drier stuff, a bit like you Colorado folks with your near zero rh stuff.
Just a thought
I've been smoking pot for 30yrs n I've never concerned myself with the percentage of humidity the bud was cured at...I've always just done it by feel...hang till crispy on outsides snip buds off sticks into brown paper bag for couple days then jars...pop the top couple times a day for a few days then seal n stash...seems to work perfectly for me...that being said I like it a bit drier myself bc I think it smokes better...I like to be able to crumble it up with my fingers
I WAS SPEAKING WITH A FELLOW GROWER THE OTHER DAY, TELLING HIM I HAD SOME PERFECT 62% RH/STABLE, CURED BUD FOR HIM TO SAMPLE, sorry caps, anyway he mentioned what's this 62% nonsense as it does not grind up well, as us brits like much drier stuff, a bit like you Colorado folks with your near zero rh stuff.
Just a thought

I've never used Boveda packs, nonsense IMO. If I ever sold something at 62.. The customer would leave it out overnight to dry and lose 10% ... I don't know anybody that wants their product with that much moisture.
I've never used Boveda packs, nonsense IMO. If I ever sold something at 62.. The customer would leave it out overnight to dry and lose 10% ... I don't know anybody that wants their product with that much moisture.
I really like Boveda 62 for long term storage (been using in a CVault for my personal stash for a while), Then I have a cVault with a 58 in it for my current smoking stash.
I've never used Boveda packs, nonsense IMO. If I ever sold something at 62.. The customer would leave it out overnight to dry and lose 10% ... I don't know anybody that wants their product with that much moisture.
Me (but I grow my own) - that's around the humidity you want for rosin pressing
Who the fuck outside of America does what Americans do, no one uses boveda where I'm from.

Your mate is right, fucking idiots built that country, surprised it's not in civil war again.
Who the fuck outside of America does what Americans do, no one uses boveda where I'm from.

Your mate is right, fucking idiots built that country, surprised it's not in civil war again.
Soon will be a civil war, lol anyway i have used bovedas 50% ones they are very good.
I don't give a shit about its humidity but I expect it to crumble in the grinder and be slightly springy when I crush it, I dry it slow 16/18c 56/62% then put it in containers and give them a burp now and again.

I don't know what the 62% is but right off the bat you lose around 75% -/+ 5% before you even trim it.
Incidently I do know absolutely and categorically that grain (barley) is dried to exactly 12% to prevent rot and keep it viable as seed.

Put a fresh oz onto a set of pans and see what it dries to?
I don't give a shit about its humidity but I expect it to crumble in the grinder and be slightly springy when I crush it, I dry it slow 16/18c 56/62% then put it in containers and give them a burp now and again.

I don't know what the 62% is but right off the bat you lose around 75% -/+ 5% before you even trim it.
Incidently I do know absolutely and categorically that grain (barley) is dried to exactly 12% to prevent rot and keep it viable as seed.

Put a fresh oz onto a set of pans and see what it dries to?
spot on 75-80% wet to dry, makes me laugh when people chop and trim and say, hey i got 40oz, i reply, no you got 10 oz dry max