Digilux HPS 600 watt Bulb! Need help before using


Long story short had credit at a place i bought from on internet so i figured a backup bulb could not hurt.
Salesman said best bulb they carried was Digilux.. Which is fine
My question is Can I run that on a Magnetic Ballast?

Talked to 5-6 different people
1) place I bought from says YES!
2) Local guy said not gonna get full lumens or spectrum
3)another guy said his friend tried using one on a Mag ballast and the bulb would not start then it finally did and it "popped" (exploded)

Am eventually gonna get a digi ballast but if my bulb goes before that and I use this digilux bulb, am I gonna regret it?


Well-Known Member
all the above are correct. it is designed to work w/ a digital ballast at a higher frequency than a mag ballast puts out so it wont give full lumens or spectrum. it may "pop" after extended use but my guess is that is rare & would only happen after a few hundred hours but even a few days of use will put a beating on it & shorten its life.
I would avoid using it if possible or only use it for very short term until you can get another bulb.