

Well-Known Member
not worth it. u get so damn tired and its hard to walk and talk and comprehend. it is also really bad for u, it dehydrates the hell outa ur body. the first time i tripped on mushrooms i took 1000 mgs of dimehydrinate, and lets just say it sucked. my mom walked in my room to say somethin to me and all i heard was babling.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
dramamine.. similar to benadryl (diphenhydramine). Avoid it, the "high" sucks, consists on boredom, tiredness, paranoia, and an overall bodyload. It also carries the wonderful side effect of leaving your vision with floaters and sparkly spots.

Save up the $10 and buy a dimebag.

To answer your question though, most people settle between 750-1000 Mg's