Dinafem Automatic Haze, 2 week seedling - underdeveloped? Please help!


Hi guys..

I'm new here and although I've been lurking for almost a month, this is my first post.

I'm growing a few strains indoor and have a 4 seedlings and a 2 month old white widow clone and everyone's doing great so far except for my Dinafem Haze Automatic seedling which is at day 14 from sprouting today. This is the first time I grow from seed so I'm not sure whether this is normal or not but for two weeks grow it looks way too small/underdeveloped, especially if compared to other pictures I found on this and other cannabis message boards.

Can anyone who has more experience than me (that would be anybody here, I guess) take a look at these pictures and tell me if I should worry or not?

Also, has anyone had the same experience growing the same strain?

Cheers! :)

PS - I'm sorry about the crappy picture quality...


Yeah, light shouldn't be an issue (yet) and this particular seedling is sitting maybe 4 inches below a fluorescent lamp. Is it normal for an auto-flowering strain to take so long to show signs of "real" growth? A grower friend of mine was quite worried since he's never seen this happen and his plants all started growing pretty quickly from the 5th day onwards or so... so I'm ok then?