Dinafem - Cheese & GHS - Pure Kush


Well-Known Member
anyone tried either Dinafem - Cheese & Or GHS - Pure Kush?
I have tried neither, but from what i've heard about both companies i'd say Dinafem is the quality and GHS isn't. Though I could have misinformation If I was you i'd go the Dinafem over GHS. My $0.02.


Well-Known Member
i already got the seeds, it said pure kush is good with scrog so thats why i got it, and got dinafem - cheese for free, and i didnt have a problem with GHS - lemon skunk so i hope pure kush is good and all that


Active Member
DINAFEM ALL THE WAY. Green House Seeds is a hit or miss company. Grown from both companys. Had problems with GHS. Slow germ rate and some did not want to sprout. DINAFEMS germ and sprouted in 2 days and grew to be monsters. Never lost a seed with DINAFEM.. They always germinated and grew great. Never has a problem with DINAFEM seeds. Thats why my tent only have DINAFEM in it. They flower super super fast. some strains 45-55 days... but u gotta add the 2 weeks of preflower stage but otherwise DINAFEM has been amazing in every way for me. Im growing Blue Widow, Critical +, and Blue Hash right now and they are the best looking plants ive ever seen.


Well-Known Member
I was telling everyone a while back that dinafem was gonna be up there with the A lists....... I just knew they would be solid.... not even 4 months later, and everyone if talking about them...... their diesel is ou of this world stinker, and under a foot tall.....still vegging and the smell is hardcore! ww also know its gonna produce quality product...... them giving away so many free seeds was a great idea in their part.......hate ppl who accuse them of stealing genetics...... theyre the first to thank shanti for critical mass, and that if it wasnt for him crtical+ would be nothing over there in spain....... so let that go already........ we know we know!!!... DINAFEM FTMFW!


Well-Known Member
Dinafem's Sweet Deep Grapefruit and California Hash Plant both did really good in my last grow it was a big hit