Dinafem White Widow


Well-Known Member
I've got a couple of those that I got for free from Attitude. I haven't grown any Dinafem WW, but I have grown a White Label WW that wasn't all that. I hope that the Dinafem is better than what I got out of the White Label. I might try the Dinafem WW if you guys turns out alright. Good Luck.


I've got a couple of those that I got for free from Attitude. I haven't grown any Dinafem WW, but I have grown a White Label WW that wasn't all that. I hope that the Dinafem is better than what I got out of the White Label. I might try the Dinafem WW if you guys turns out alright. Good Luck.
yeah man I got my dinafem White Widow from Attitude also. It sprouted like the first week of march so its like 2 months old i didnt get it transplanted to a bigger pot when i should have so it could be bigger....also i took 20 clones off it 2 weeks ago soooo im thinking its dam good genetics lolDSCN0458.jpg


dont know how long your gonna veg but its gonna branchout pretty good man and get some height to it lol awesome plant im putting this one outside and start a new mom for inside