diphenhydramine HCI safety question (Benydryl's active ingrediant)


Well-Known Member
I was wondering how many mg's is a potential overdose, and what what number to stear away from.
I'm usually not a pill popper and will not make a habit of such behaviors but I've read many times that about 15-20 benedryls will make you trip.. well I was thinking half or less of that for the first time, but none of the people posting this nonsense include dosage.

I have 25 mg off brand tablets that say 'same strength' so my question is:
How many is too many?

So far I've taken 5 which is 125 mg's, last time 5 did nothing.


Active Member
I just posted about this in another post, 5 wont do shit 12-20 range. heres a chart
Oral Diphenhydramine Dosages
Threshold10mg Light25-150 mg Common150-300 mg Strong250-500 mg Heavy400-700 LD50 (Lethal Dose*)500 mg/kg in rats I'd suggest a Sitter.


Well-Known Member
heard it's a shitty trip, imo not worth it. def take at least 8-10 to see how u feel though if that's what you're triyn to do. I've taken a bunch of unisoms (same exact thing as benadryl except 50 mg's instead of 25) and i got some shitty side effects like restless leg syndrome except on m whole body and itches n shit...wasn't that tight, but i didnt take enough to really trip.


Well-Known Member
heard it's a shitty trip, imo not worth it. def take at least 8-10 to see how u feel though if that's what you're triyn to do. I've taken a bunch of unisoms (same exact thing as benadryl except 50 mg's instead of 25) and i got some shitty side effects like restless leg syndrome except on m whole body and itches n shit...wasn't that tight, but i didnt take enough to really trip.
i take it almost every night, not for the trip, because it gets me asleep(around 200mg a night). I dont advise taking it daily, its not addictive, but its habbit forming. I can go without it, but i cant sleep without it anymore. I dont think its dangerous, or else I would be dead by now after 3 years of abuse. To trip take around 300 and up mg. Its a shitty trip if done more than once. itchy, nervous, paranoid as fuck, insomnia, you cant sit still etc.


Well-Known Member
you're kiddin right ?????? you wanna "trip" on Benadryl ???? DUUUUUUUDE............i imagine you take enough of anything and the result will be a "trip". But Benadryl ???? C'mon man this is a joke right ???? Do you know what an Anithistamine is ???? Do you realize how it works, how it affects your body and what its used for ???? You like that real DRRRRRRRY feelin when you trip ??? lol.....C'mon, you can't be serious and if you are you might wanna think about maybe talking to someone. Not trying to be an asshole here but damn man THINK about what you're sayin. Can't be THAT bored can you ???? Fire one up bro and take a big chill pill.


Well-Known Member
I've tripped it... i took about 10 pills and half a bottle of liquid benadryl when i did( i weigh about 130lbs.)... it's definitely an intense audial and somewhat visual trip... after i took the half bottle i walked out of the kitchen, and the shadow's in the next room were waving around and figures seemed to form from the shadows.

I then went upstairs where i saw black dots(could be seen as bugs) crawling around my bed.... i had read many reports of people experiences bugs crawling around so i expected it and wasn't freaked out...

I then "fell asleep," which means i stared at the wall laying in bed almost all night, and would have extremely thorough conversations with somebody i knew in my room, look up to look at them, and find that nobody was in the room... i did this about 10 times, forgetting each time that i was imagining the voices.

Not going to lie the trip wasn't bad, but the aftermath of it was kinda crappy, you do feel pretty dry and parched the next day but it's not nearly as bad as a hangover IMO.

I say if you're truly interested, study up on it, learn what to expect during the trip, and then do it ONE time and get that experience behind you. Why not try something once as long as you're not ignorant on it and rush into doing it right?


Well-Known Member
The best advice i can give you if you're set on trying it is study up on it and don't just pop a bunch of pills... check out Erowid, and try and find a good dosage for a trip, prepare yourself mentally, just don't be stupid.


Well-Known Member
Report back:
Diphenhydramine - Drugs Forum

great site, I'll probably make a thread about it, took a dozen or so 25 mg's so the dosage was pretty low for the first time. It was a really dazed 'high' and I unfortunately took it too late in the night so natural fatigue + a dozen of these which naturally cause drowsiness eventually caused me to call it a night. I woke up in the night, it was kinda fun but I can't report much since I DID sleep through most of it.

The next day I still felt the occasional dizzy sensation, very tired and laggy but interesting, slight visual distortion if I tried to concentrate too hard.


Well-Known Member
Ive too had full length conversations with myself while on this stuff. This stuff makes you forget anything. For instance, if you were to start masturbating, seconds later, you find yourself lost, not even able to remember what you were doing. Then you start, and stop and again not remembering what is going on. This can go on for hours...

its really a trip when you catch yourself talking to yourself, because you forget that you caught yourself and start to do it again.

however, most of the time, instead of seeing shit, you pace around for hours thinking about random shit.


Active Member
I really dont think its very fun
i spent like 3 hours scared shitless in my bed cuz people kept running through my door and screaming at me


Active Member
its a horribly terrifying trip. id prefer 'cid anyday of the week. I remember back when i was stupid "its debatable if thats changed" I was bored at home and decided to pop about 12. Its like being so drunk you cant move but without the super spinny vision just everything fuzzy. I kept seeing ants and shit. I remembered my best friend coming about 2 hours after i took them saying i looked strange and we talked about random stuff and he left. the next day i realized my best friend was never there that scared the shit out of me. its literally as close to being schitzo with worse effects.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
yeah man... you can take a lot of those before they start to get "dangerous".. but anticholergenics aren't the best thing to be taking in the world lol, high doses tend to leave people seeing spots or floaters for a while (which can get fucking annoying lol).


Well-Known Member
The Good: May open sinuses. Essentially fall asleep with your eyes open, and start talkin' to dream people. Then you snap out of it for a second, and realize "Hm, I was just talkin' to a pair of jeans." You can see some spots n shit. I usually saw some kinda weird movement that wasn't trails, but sort of close. My arms and/or legs would twitch, not enough for it to be cool or lame. As someone else said about losin' train of thought...yeah, mid thought just go fuckin' bread dead and forget what was goin' on.

The bad: Thing above may coutn as bad. My feet and hands got cold, and I would have to pee a lot. I'm already cold enough, and if I wanted to pee I'd drink. My tolerance built up fast, worse than DXM tolerance build up by far. I went from 200-300 mg for a dose of benedryl/dphen hci to something stupid like 500-600.

After I had my nice experince talkin' to dream people, waking myself up with slurred dream speech, and realizing I was speaking to things like an ottoman and fake plants I decided to stop using this chemical for rec purposes. The extra cold feet, sky-rocketing tolerance, and having to pee every 1/2 hour made me stop.

If I want my headache to go away, I'll try weed and advil. If I wanna sleep I'll take weed and xanax. If I want my sinuses to open I'll take something else not benedryl/diphen hcl stuff.