Direction of CFL's


Active Member
I just wanted to know which direction or angle CFL's should face to enable the most effective light for growing.

I've drawn up a picture to show everyone an example of what I mean.


Picture 1 (LEFT)
basically you have the CFL pointing downwards with the reflector (blue) aswell.

Picture 2 (Right)
You have the CFL pointing sideways with the reflector also pointing sideways

THis is jus a question as I am running my CFLs with lamps. Not much of the lights are covered by the reflectors. I just wanted to know which direction would be better etc.a


In your drawing the second pic with the bulb horizontal is providing more light... But both pics are only really exposing the top of the plant with light. With cfl's you'd really need bulbs hanging vertically on either side of the plant as well


Active Member
Thanks fellas! Was just wondering because I was confused because if I place it vertical, then would that particularly mean that I don't get much light as only the 'TIP' of the CFL is near the plant, or if I place it horizontally, the whole side of the CFL is close to the plant..


Well-Known Member
My suggestion do away wit cfl. Go amazon buy you a 400 watt hps/mh. Can get cheap I power like i29$. I now pull over2oz instead of close to1 with cfl . If you can afford it almost doubled my dry weight