dirt clone to hydro


Active Member
I am new at hydro. New at growing period. 1 year exsperiance.I was wondering if I can clone in dirt and transfer to hydro buckets when the clones have roots on them.Also, if it is possible how big do the plants,roots have to be? thank you so much for you advice.tcooper

Mr Green Man

Well-Known Member
You could, but one must ask why?

In my experance I have found dirt to be one of the slowest ways to root clones.
Just think you would be better off rooting in a hydroponic meduim.


That list is not in any order.

I root my clones in water, I use a storage container filled with water, place a air stone in the bottom, and place the cutting in a polastireen sheet, and just flote it on the surface.

I usely have 95% sucsess, and all plants are ready to transplant in 9 days.

Agian this isn't the best system, just the one I like to use.


Active Member
I am new to cloning hydro too.I just got my hydro (3) buckets and want to start "NOW " LOL..and have clones in dirt that I had cloning already.Thats why I was wondering if I could use the dirt clones I have already to start my hydro buckets going...????
thank you so much