Disaster for me and my ladies!!


Well-Known Member
Got out of hospital yesterday, burnt my arms with some wierd acid..Anyway
Here's the state of play in the veg room. I ought to know what needs to be done, but my brains somewhat fuzzy from Doctor Feelbads drugs, so I'm under instruction really. Just water in tank, some mould on pebbles,and you can see the damage. Not much in my armory except H2O2, Canna Boost, P/K and my nutes and whatever i could get from the local garden centre.
What should I do?
If visitors were buds I could supply Amsterdam at the moment! (haven't lost my sense of humour; thanx to herb!) Gonna check in whenever I can, But I must emphasize how addled my brain is, so treat me like a noob.Thanks in advance for any help on the way!kiss-ass


New Member
wow thats alote of mold id say h2o2 but seems that the roots are fuked anyway gl


Active Member
sucks!!! but yo gotta ditch em. in attempting to fix, they would probably die anyways from stress. clean up everything with bleach and water, rinse the hell out of it and start fresh. and you really should scrap the tin foil as well for something flat white when youre up for it. goo luck and feel better


Well-Known Member
Good advice given here. Scrap it. Clean it all and start over. Looks like you'll lose about 2 weeks. There's no way your plants are going to recover from this in 2 weeks. It'll be a battle if it can be done at all and even if you win, you'll be in a worse position than you will be in if you just start over.


I was checking on my plant and adjusting my lighting and accidentally bent the stalk pretty far about 8-10 inches from the top and heard a crack, I bent it back right away and its standing in its own now.... will the top of the plant die or recover???