Discoloured roots?


Hi , Little help needed I've been growing on nft tables for a while now with success and failures my latest problem is that the roots look discoloured in the matting I'm worrying that is the start of something bad?


Dont mean to sound rude mate but I realise there not healthy thought someone may know a bit more about why this occurs


Active Member
well you will need to provide more info than "discoloured roots". are they green, brown, yellow?
do you have light getting anywhere you nutrient solution goes?
How often do you change your nutrients and what kind do you use?
how old are the plants?
What kind of media on your NFT etc


Ok my reservoir is changed every 6-7 days also no light gets to the reservoir,I'm using ecolizer nutes on nft table using Rockwall cubes on spreader mats, the plants are 4 weeks into veg and were cuttings from some very healthy and nearly harvested cheese plants which were grown in biobizz all mix , I'm on 2 x 400 superveg lamps temp is fine humidity does sometimes slump to around 30% but generally picks up, but the colour of the roots appear to be brown in colour and have also taken a while to appear?


Well-Known Member
They aren't healthy if they aren't white so yes could very well be the start of problems
if the roots arent white, its rotting roots.

roots need to stay moist, sure, but make sure they arent in the water, completely submerged. that helped a lot when i did DWC. at first i had them swimming in the water. a little while later, i learned to keep them just over the water line.


How do I keep roots out of water on nft table it's designed for rock wools to sit directly in water thus roots coming from under Neath have no option but to twine into matting and water