Discretely growing indoors?

Nic B.

Hello all,

Hope everyone is doing well. I am totally new to this site as well as to the art of growing medical marijuana. Recently, I have become tired of laying down the dollar bills for my medicine and started doing research with respect to indoor growing systems. Because I live in a basement, under my landlord, I need the grow to be ENTIRELY discrete. This brings me to my first question: Is the aforementioned proposition one that seems do-able?

I have looked into some grow boxes online, and thought that out of the selection I viewed, the SuperPonics SuperLocker would suit my needs if it works nearly as well as it is advertised to. Has anyone used it before? Are there any other recommendations some of you more experienced folk might be able to offer? Again, my biggest requirement is that any odor be nearly eliminated... and I don't have much space... it seems like I need some sort of fabricated grow box.

Your help is much appreciated! MUCH!! Thanks...


Well-Known Member
it is def. doable. no advice on the growlocker. Odor control was important for me to so I spent the money on a carbon filter and fan. works amazing cannot smell any odor in the room. I smoke in the room next door where my intake and exhaust is and it scrubs this room for me in about 5 min. Look at peoples grow's and get some ideas thats what I do. Mine is at the bottom


Active Member
DO NOT BUY A SUPERLOCKER OR OTHER 'OFF-THE-SHELF SYSTEM'. I learned the hard way. Superlocker is way over-priced, gets extremely hot, poor quality construction. Do some research and build your own for way less.