Disposng excess clippings


Active Member
Just had to clip my moms down to keep them small enough.... so i have quite a bit of excess clippings. Can I just put them in the food disposal? Seems like a good idea to me as it gets rid of them without a trace as opposed to burning them (smell), throwing them away, or leaving them on the side of the road.

good idea or bad idea?
please advise


Active Member
start a compost pile somewhere and throw them in the middle ... your goign green and in the big picture gettign green ^^


Active Member
just did it and had a bit of a scare. Got half way through and it got jammed up in the pipes. The food disposal was cleared but the water wasnt draining and it was coming back up green haha... put in some drano and couple minutes later working again. not sure if I want to chance doing the rest of my clippings down there or not...


Well-Known Member
throw them in the garbage or into the woods the side of the road... you cant get charged for disposing the roots, stems etc. the worst you can get is a ticket for littering hahahaha


Active Member
throw them in the garbage or into the woods the side of the road... you cant get charged for disposing the roots, stems etc. the worst you can get is a ticket for littering hahahaha
no way man... if you watch the DVD "Never get caught again" vol 1 or vol 2 (dont remember which one). The dude clearly states never dispose in the trash or on the side of the road because its evidence that can raise suspicion for snitches and popos. He clearly states its all about the details.

definitely not going to do that.


Well-Known Member
I persanaly would never leave any cannabis clipping of any sort around the home,in the past few month's a friend of mine has been busted he was caught with 12 plant's and a mother of 3 differant strains.But the scary part of this was that the british police took swobs from the room and was able to tell him how long he had been growing for.This show's you how important it is to get all the trace's of any previece grow out of the way i always bleach the room the day before a new crop has to go in i always have this keeps the chance's of getting any pest in the room to a min.This will not get rid of all the trace's of any prev grows because the thc is a substance that seems to cling to the room's walls.The best way of getting rid of any cutting or any clippings after a harvest is to put them into a food processer and blitz them to a pulp then just put somewhere out of the way or dig a hole in the garden and put the pulp in this will then just become part of the eco system.But if possible take the pulp on a walk and chuck just the [pulp]clippings into a local river but dissgard the bag somewhere else..............tyke..

Mr Bomb

Active Member
no way man... if you watch the DVD "Never get caught again" vol 1 or vol 2 (dont remember which one). The dude clearly states never dispose in the trash or on the side of the road because its evidence that can raise suspicion for snitches and popos. He clearly states its all about the details.

definitely not going to do that.
Drive an hour from home and dump the clippings there.


Well-Known Member
just put them in a paper bag and throw out with regular trash. Just time it so you throw it out the night before trash day.


Active Member
I persanaly would never leave any cannabis clipping of any sort around the home,in the past few month's a friend of mine has been busted he was caught with 12 plant's and a mother of 3 differant strains.But the scary part of this was that the british police took swobs from the room and was able to tell him how long he had been growing for.This show's you how important it is to get all the trace's of any previece grow out of the way i always bleach the room the day before a new crop has to go in i always have this keeps the chance's of getting any pest in the room to a min.This will not get rid of all the trace's of any prev grows because the thc is a substance that seems to cling to the room's walls.The best way of getting rid of any cutting or any clippings after a harvest is to put them into a food processer and blitz them to a pulp then just put somewhere out of the way or dig a hole in the garden and put the pulp in this will then just become part of the eco system.But if possible take the pulp on a walk and chuck just the [pulp]clippings into a local river but dissgard the bag somewhere else..............tyke..
how was he caught exactly?