Distilled water and a Co2 question


Active Member
Hi folks. I have still not picked up a ph meter yet. I plan on getting one soon. Is it ok to use distilled water? Is all distilled water 7.0 on the ph scale (neutral)?

I had been using spring water purchased from the store, but the distilled is the same price. is this what I should be using?

Also, on Co2, I heard someone on another forum say that they simply purchased sparkling water. He says the stuff he buys says on the label that it is nothing but water and Co2. He sprays this on his plant's leaves every few days. He says it works great, but I have heard no one else use this method. Sure does seem simple and more convenient than the sugar/yeast thing.



Well-Known Member
BEWARE of cheap pH meters. *example: long-rod fkrs that connect to a cadillac speedometer lookin thing* these are of the devil. Seriously. Need to kinda know what medium you're using before I can get further into that but... distilled water is great, neutral pH, I use it, works well. Don't go using nutrients in your water without atleast pH test strips (you can dip them in the water or just pour water on them that you want to test (after you've given the nutrients time to disolve in your solution (once again, would help to know the medium)) but ya, those can be obtained for real cheap :) Sparkling water works great, when it's not FLAT! :P I spray it on my babies before they go to sleep. They wake up bigger, no shit, get a little .97c mister bottle thinger from Walmart. And um, don't mist your babies too often with water... it washes nitrogen off the leaves and lets carbohydrates build up. :| And wtf, never heard of sugar/yeast but whatev


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Netral is 7 but thats besides the point. You can use the disstilled watre but leav it open aday before.i forgot what it was but there can be issues with it since it was disstilled via steam and recondesation. I use filter tap water as a water filter is cheap like 30 bucks and takes 5 minutes to put on your faucets.


Active Member
Is there no one else who knows if the sparkling water thing works? I am amazed. If it does work, this would be so much easier than dealing with bags of sugar and such. You are in control, you decide how often to spray. Surely this easy way would have been discovered long ago and many people would be using it because of how easy it is. PlatinumKasse, I might have heard thid method from you. If this is working for you, and you are sure it is, then no one else has dicovered thgis easy method for Co2? That's hard to believe. Are you sure it's not just your imagination? Where did you learn this from? if you thought of it yourself, then that sounds like you simply want to believe it's working. I just purchased some sparkling water, label say ingredients are carbonated water, thats it. Come clean dude, is this just in your mind? If not, how come everyone isn't doing such an easy thing to add CO2 to their grow?

And know one knows if distilled water is always neutral?