Distilled water


Where can I get distilled water for using pH-meter? Only shop I found in Finland with a quick search is one selling laboratory and hospital equipment. Here is a link for that water (it's mostly in finnish but I can translate if needed): https://www.penli.fi/product/3581/tislattu-vesi

I believe battery water isn't exactly distilled water, but some stores sell it as if it were (at least here in Finland). Is that right?
Where can I get distilled water for using pH-meter? Only shop I found in Finland with a quick search is one selling laboratory and hospital equipment. Here is a link for that water (it's mostly in finnish but I can translate if needed): https://www.penli.fi/product/3581/tislattu-vesi

I believe battery water isn't exactly distilled water, but some stores sell it as if it were (at least here in Finland). Is that right?
It should be distilled if it's made for car batteries. It should say it on the label.
I have read in many places that car battery water is ion exchanged water, and that is not good for pH-meters.