DIY Calcium Acetate - the fast(er) way!


Active Member
Hello friends! I've been a long time observer and grower, but never contributed to the community, because I thought that I don't have anything to share. Every time I have a question regarding my grow- I come here to read and to learn from those with more knowledge and experience. Now I'm in my biggest grow yet and there are some unexpected concerns which need to be addressed as early as possible. I'm starting to have a slight calcium deficiency on some of my plants and because all of the circumstances - I've decided to fix things myself. I have been reading upon organic ways to supplement calcium to the plants and this thread has been suggested many times even in this forum:

The problem I find with this method is firstly - it takes a lot of time and secondly - there seem to be a lot of impurities left (in my opinion) in the solution after extraction. I would never want to put something that isn't necessary or proven working in my soil and also I'm wary of things that could produce rot or mould. In my search of a better and cleaner way to do it, I've found this video which I thought to share with you and hope that it helps others in my situation by providing a cleaner and faster way to get your organic calcium to your plants :)

Here you go:

P.S. I'm not affiliated with any of the shared information whatsoever and I hope that I'm not breaking any forum rules by sharing links to other sites and forums. I'm currently writing from my phone and would be happy to make a more detailed tutorial without sharing links but I'm stuck with this now. Just wanted to make it easier for fellow growers to do their thing and hope I didn't offend anyone :)

Happy growing!
I had tried the vinegar /eggshell mix before.Let it sit a few days then through a filter.After a week i noticed blue dots forming,I assume it was mold?Threw it away after that.Didnt know you were supposed to boil it.
Good video thanks for posting.