Ozone generators and ionizers are NOT worth it. As for carbon filtering your grow, i gotta be honest you're not thinking quite right about the process IMO. The goal should not be to treat all the air in the grow room, it should be to create a negative vacuum within the grow room, and just treat the air you're removing from it. IMO you're going to need a duct,
you can't just stick a carbon filter in a room and say make it not smell. The plants keep making stink, and all it takes is one crack for that stink to get out before your filter had a chance to clean that bit of stinky air, get it? You just want to be in control of cleaning a little air, just enough air leaving the grow room from one duct, so its not leaving the grow room from anywhere else. That way, through any other crack in the grow room air will be flowing in, from outside the grow space. You also want this so you can exchange the c02 in the grow room for the plants to feed. There are only a million threads on carbon filters and how to make them right, did you really think you needed to start another..