Reviving this thread because I procrastinated and now I need to set up a babysitter drip system for thanksgiving break.

I spent a few hours last night designing a system. At 1am I tested it out and it failed hard. Alright back to square one.

Is there a reason no one uses those 1gph drip emitters? I thought if I use those then the system would regulate the pressure and have even pressure.

I was going to do a res with a pump to a manifold with 8 1/4 lines. it didn’t work when I tested it. I worried that;
1) I used too many emitters per pot. (6 1gph emitters per pot, 7 pots total).
2) the emitters I used were from the 90’s “flag dripper.”
3) I probably am lacking some fundamental knowledge on how this works.

halp! My wife has no sympathy and I’m week 8 of flower. I’m low key panicking. :shock:
I use 4-emitters per pot, and I use pressure compensating emitters for even flow.

IMG_20220614_085829944 (1).jpg

IMG_20220614_085733070 (1).jpg
It's already been done but not by me.

All you need to get started is a starter kit that comes with everything you need except something for a reservoir.

This site probably has the best information and tutorials on using them.

A 5 carrot starter kit is around $50 US. But it sounds like you already have things covered for watering.

i had those carrots in outdoor grow the roots pluged every hole. and the plant was the only thing alive in the forest when the drouth hit haha.
would recommend.
but those carots cost 0.5cents on aliexpress for 5 peace no idea why you are paying 50
Thanks everyone. So I’m starting to assume either the pump I tried isn’t working properly or the emitters I used aren’t working well.

I’m going to hit Home Depot and get some poly tubing because this cheap plastic tubing is too easy to kink up. I will also grab some new emitters to just be safe. Luckily I have at least 6 other pumps I can test out. I was gifted a bunch from a grow that shut down.

thanks again for the help everyone. Fingers crossed that all goes well. I have the pump on a smart plug so I can manually turn it off and on. I also put a few cameras in the room so I can monitor it. One camera is under the pots so I know when to turn it off. My rough testing indicated that 13 mins will give me 1/2gal of water per pot.

Honestly I think this set up is almost better than a real babysitter. …knock on wood.