DIY LED Supplyer advice


Well-Known Member
Hello all, I plan on fooling around with an LED controlled by a BJT and MOS FET.
and i only really care about using 2w or 3 w LED.

picture availible here:

that is a demo of the constant current cuircut. The variables are adjusted by chaing R1 and R3. from there you can simply use a 12 DC supply ( of appropriate current threshold )

for those of you who dont get electronics cause you were too stoned in highschool, the two cuircled devices are semi-conductors. The One on the bottom is a BJT transistor, where the voltage over R3( or current through nods B-E) controlls the current throught CE by a factor of Beta ( 100 - 200 ) depending on temperature and manufacturing.

the cirucled device on the top is MOS FET. Depending on the voltage from G - S it acts as a variable resistor. More voltage from G-S more current is let through.

as you can see this simple cuircut cost 2 $ plus all the LED you want to use.

I plan to build this cuircut for each LED wavelength. SO this cuircut modified with say 50- 100 W red 660, one for 630 ( a couple blue wavelenths ) some IR, Some UV some white. and just fill the spectrum as i see fit.

I need the best fucking suppliers ever for buying these LEDs. Im more interested in fucking around with good results then building something commercial. nao. I need to get some mao fucking LEDS that are dope. preferable made in the USA or Eurpe and somewhat reasonable in price.

Personal army go go go


Well-Known Member
Your images are done wrong they wont display, You need to space them out and wrap the IMG around each individual pic.

Otherwise I am sure my Highschool did not teach us how to wire LED's, but then again maybe I was stoned and/or not present

I am sure your best suppliers will be out of China, There is a person known on here as ChronicObsession that might know a supplier.
look at newark or arrow ele. but all leds are made in china crees are the best hi dollar you all so need to run a good driver the best drivers are made in korea are japan these drivers will last 8 to 10 years the driver makes the led you can have crees and put a junk driver you will have junk


Well-Known Member
I check out New Ark, its kinda the same as Mouser, ummm anyone have input on home made drivers, i know the cuircut i tried to show should work with balancing. Any advantages to getting a driver?


The simplest driver is a resistor and a diode for protection. Simple current control but not so efficient.

Here are some application notes from Maxim.

Here is another one.


National Semi has webench to help you design.

HPS is 140 lumins per watt. For a 600 watt HPS that's 84000 lumins so I am thinking you need to do something like this to do any real good. The big problem is heat just like HPS.

These are the kind of LEDs that could actually work.



Well-Known Member
Nice cuircut but i dont think balancing that is very simple( seeing as every wavelenth(series of bulbs) would run on its own cuircut.. The two op amps are simple enought but im not a fan of working with imbeded chips.

In terms of heat im pretty sure all the heat is lost in the MOS FET as that device carries the difference between the input voltage and led/ resistor voltage.

Buying drivers seems like a pain in the ass.

On that note i have found ebay to have the best selection of LED, im fucking disapointed with that.


This might be something you can work with.

How about a 555


Another one


And another

Looks interesting.

At 23.40 each for the 660 nm red 10watt it would take 100 of them to make 1000 watts
that's 2340 just for the LEDs only.

How about a DC bus of some kind, them PWM each LED to control current