Diy organic nutes please help


Active Member
Hey guys I have got a bit of a problem on my hands here.I was in a car accident over two years ago. I was made permanently disabled from the accident and haven't worked since. And why I tell you this is because I would like to stress to you all that I have absolutely no money at all and I need my meds.I need to figure out some way to make good nutrients for my plant without having to spend any money at all the only resource that I have is food please if there is any one out there who can tell me how to grow with such limited options it would be very appreciated. PS.please don't advise me to go pick up nutes from the local grow shop fox farms I said it has to be stuff from the kitchen thanks.


you need to take the time to make a compost pile at home. compost is wonderful fertilizer, you can even make compost teas and apply them like any other liqiud fert. manure is also wonderful and free: horse, cow, pig, rabbit, chicken, all are usable, just not when fresh; needs to be old. ill try to find some more info on this for you.


Well-Known Member
weed tea...not that weed tea just go pick weeds out of the garden and boil then an there you have a lil nitrogen boost for your plants..that is a pretty inefficent way but the cheapest/


Well-Known Member
Hey guys I have got a bit of a problem on my hands here.I was in a car accident over two years ago. I was made permanently disabled from the accident and haven't worked since. And why I tell you this is because I would like to stress to you all that I have absolutely no money at all and I need my meds.I need to figure out some way to make good nutrients for my plant without having to spend any money at all the only resource that I have is food please if there is any one out there who can tell me how to grow with such limited options it would be very appreciated. PS.please don't advise me to go pick up nutes from the local grow shop fox farms I said it has to be stuff from the kitchen thanks.
Oregonian..... Unsulphured Molasses (next to the pancake syrup - in the ceral isle) is a cheap source of NPK - good brands are Brer Rabbit & Grandma's.
If you mix one ounce to one gallon of water - you get an NPK value between 4-2-2 and 5-1-3 roughly.
Give this thread a read -
It's full of cheap ways to provide your plants with NPK - without spending money.
Hope this helps....
Keep it Real....Organic.....