DIY plant protein hydroslate


Well-Known Member
Hey all.

Been reading up on aminos which got me thinking if the possibility to make your own rough mixture would be possible? Similar to how you would make a fermented plant extract or fish hydroslate through microbial and enzyme fermentation. I know there are a bunch of products out there and I could absolutely buy one. But where's the fun in that? Does anyone possibly have experience in making something like this? I'm mostly interested in which plants someone would use such as soy, lentil, nettle and so on.
Any thoughts are welcome. Preferably no product recommendations please. I know planty but am set on experimenting with this
Any hydrolysed whey or soy isolate will do. Why anyone would make their own is beyond me.

Sure you can ferment fish waste with LABS or with an oxidizer like potassium hydroxide to make fish emulsion.

You can neutralize potassium hydroxide with a weak acid like regular white vinegar.

Then you have Nordic sea kelp, ferment this and filter and use a little potassium sorbate and you have your own kelp pretty shelf stable extract. Cheers!
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I would make my own because I find it interesting and have zero problems sourcing whatever I might need. Plus I have 50 lbs of kelp,neem, biochar and a bunch of others. If, what I am looking for can be made, I'd prefer to do it myself.
In this case, my interest is in aminos specifically. I may try grinding dry soy and mixing it with a BIM and enzymes,then jar it with an airlock.

I might try that stable kelp extract some time to use in foliar sprays rather then making a tea. Would you happen to know if the process retains auxins?

P.s. I've made some killer fish hydroslate(whole fresh mackerel rather than scraps though)