Hi All,
Thx to everyone for contributing to such a worthy cause.
I figured I would try to add something in as it may be useful to someone else. I have a bit of a micro grow and so I figured I would be moving lights around etc quite often. Keeping things neat and tidy is a bit of a mess with my hack job of wires hooking up old computer fans etc. So I decided I should create a central PSU to control my fans and keep everything safe and clean. I wrote a tutorial in the process in order to share with everyone else who may find it useful. Enjoy!
Supplies Required.
1 or 2 - 12VDC Fans - with or without molex connectors
1 molex connect- preferably one with a female end 2 male ends.
1 Project Box
4 Power Terminals - Preferably 1 Red, 2 Black, 1 Yellow
1 12vdc and 1 9vdc power adapter
1 solder iron
1 electrical tape
some small shrink tubing (optional)
Now that we have everything we need its time to get started.
Always use caution and common sense when playing with electricity. I am by no means a certified electrician. Everything above is meant for education and testing purposes only. I am not responsible for any harm you may cause by trying to re-create anything above. Use at your own risk. Be smart, be safe!
If your fan says 12Vdc MAX, it will not work with anything larger than 12Vdc. Don't bother asking ;D
1. On the top of the project box, drill 3 holes for the power terminals to sit in. After the holes have been
drilled, screw in each power terminal and make sure you have a tight and secure fit.
Mine site like so [ o o o ].
2. Drill another hole on the side of the project box, this is where we will feed in the cut end of the molex
connector on the female side. Insert the cut end of the wires through this hole leaving the female connector
and the spare male connector outside of the box.
2a. (optional) I like to make things neat and tidy, so now before soldering each wire to it's post, I slip over
half inch or sho of shrink tubing over each wire.
3. Cut one of the male ends from the molex connector. And feed this cut end through the hole you have drilled in
step 2. See fig1.jpg.
Note: Be sure to leave enough wire on the male end to connect up a DC power adapter.
4. If you are using the color code suggested, solder the yellow wire to the yellow post, repeat for the red and
black. You will have 2 black wires, connect one to each of the black post and mark them. This may be unecessary
as they are ground anyways. I am not 100% sure. Maybe some else can add input?
Confirm the solder took and a good connection was established.
Note: In a computer the yellow wire is 12v and the red wire is 5v.
4a. (optional) if you installed the shrink tubing, you can now shrink it on.
5. If everything has been done correctly, you should now have something that looks like this Fig2.png
Dont worry about my switch, I was getting fancy with mine
6. Now take the end of the molex that you had chopped off earlier, and the DC power adapters.
Cut the plug off each power adapter and locate the postive and negative wires.
7. On the 12Vdc adapter, connect the positive wire to the yellow wire on the molex connector, then connect the
negative to the black wire. Once the wires have been wrapped properly, solder the wires together individually
to ensure a good connection. I also used the shrink tubing again here as well to make things remain neat and tidy.
!!!DO NOT EVER leave exposed wires!!!!
8. Repeat step 7 for the 9Vdc adapter.
You should now have a functioning portable power source for your fans. This is mainly meant for use in smaller farms or anywhere a 12Vdc fan may be required. Once everything is fully functional and working, you should have something similar to fig3.png. You can also use that extra male molex connector to power another fan without chopping wires
This is my first tuorial hope you enjoyed.
Always use caution and common sense when playing with electricity. I am by no means a certified electrician. Everything above is meant for education and testing purposes only. I am not responsible for any harm you may cause by trying to re-create anything above. Use at your own risk. Be smart, be safe!
If your fan says 12Vdc MAX, it will not work with anything larger than 12Vdc. Don't bother asking ;D

Thx to everyone for contributing to such a worthy cause.

I figured I would try to add something in as it may be useful to someone else. I have a bit of a micro grow and so I figured I would be moving lights around etc quite often. Keeping things neat and tidy is a bit of a mess with my hack job of wires hooking up old computer fans etc. So I decided I should create a central PSU to control my fans and keep everything safe and clean. I wrote a tutorial in the process in order to share with everyone else who may find it useful. Enjoy!
Supplies Required.
1 or 2 - 12VDC Fans - with or without molex connectors
1 molex connect- preferably one with a female end 2 male ends.
1 Project Box
4 Power Terminals - Preferably 1 Red, 2 Black, 1 Yellow
1 12vdc and 1 9vdc power adapter
1 solder iron
1 electrical tape
some small shrink tubing (optional)
Now that we have everything we need its time to get started.
Always use caution and common sense when playing with electricity. I am by no means a certified electrician. Everything above is meant for education and testing purposes only. I am not responsible for any harm you may cause by trying to re-create anything above. Use at your own risk. Be smart, be safe!
If your fan says 12Vdc MAX, it will not work with anything larger than 12Vdc. Don't bother asking ;D
1. On the top of the project box, drill 3 holes for the power terminals to sit in. After the holes have been
drilled, screw in each power terminal and make sure you have a tight and secure fit.
Mine site like so [ o o o ].
2. Drill another hole on the side of the project box, this is where we will feed in the cut end of the molex
connector on the female side. Insert the cut end of the wires through this hole leaving the female connector
and the spare male connector outside of the box.
2a. (optional) I like to make things neat and tidy, so now before soldering each wire to it's post, I slip over
half inch or sho of shrink tubing over each wire.
3. Cut one of the male ends from the molex connector. And feed this cut end through the hole you have drilled in
step 2. See fig1.jpg.
Note: Be sure to leave enough wire on the male end to connect up a DC power adapter.
4. If you are using the color code suggested, solder the yellow wire to the yellow post, repeat for the red and
black. You will have 2 black wires, connect one to each of the black post and mark them. This may be unecessary
as they are ground anyways. I am not 100% sure. Maybe some else can add input?
Confirm the solder took and a good connection was established.
Note: In a computer the yellow wire is 12v and the red wire is 5v.
4a. (optional) if you installed the shrink tubing, you can now shrink it on.
5. If everything has been done correctly, you should now have something that looks like this Fig2.png
Dont worry about my switch, I was getting fancy with mine

6. Now take the end of the molex that you had chopped off earlier, and the DC power adapters.
Cut the plug off each power adapter and locate the postive and negative wires.
7. On the 12Vdc adapter, connect the positive wire to the yellow wire on the molex connector, then connect the
negative to the black wire. Once the wires have been wrapped properly, solder the wires together individually
to ensure a good connection. I also used the shrink tubing again here as well to make things remain neat and tidy.
!!!DO NOT EVER leave exposed wires!!!!
8. Repeat step 7 for the 9Vdc adapter.
You should now have a functioning portable power source for your fans. This is mainly meant for use in smaller farms or anywhere a 12Vdc fan may be required. Once everything is fully functional and working, you should have something similar to fig3.png. You can also use that extra male molex connector to power another fan without chopping wires

This is my first tuorial hope you enjoyed.
Always use caution and common sense when playing with electricity. I am by no means a certified electrician. Everything above is meant for education and testing purposes only. I am not responsible for any harm you may cause by trying to re-create anything above. Use at your own risk. Be smart, be safe!
If your fan says 12Vdc MAX, it will not work with anything larger than 12Vdc. Don't bother asking ;D