DIY Reflector? Please Help!


Active Member
Hey, I've got these three bell shaped 400w HPS lamps (See pic) , or I am going to have rather. Does anyone have any idea how to fabricate a functional reflector for a relatively low amount of dough? I have a welding torch if that's necessary. Please help!




Well-Known Member
I would personally take apart that light and make the ballast remote. This would keep a large portion of the generated heat out of your grow room. As far as a reflector, there a many great DIY reflector projects on this site. I'm sure you can find some that fit your needs.


Well-Known Member
you can turn that into a remote ballasted light pretty easily for next to nothing. you already have the expensice stuff. i would attach a power cord first just to verify that the unit works before you spent a bunch of time fabricating. i just did a thread on a diy remote ballast hps. i buit a 100 watt, but ids the same idea, just bigger. you will need a power cord (i would use a grounded computer cord or cut a thick gaude outoor type extention cord) a lamp cord and a hood. the best hood for a diy for almost nothing is an old flourescent shop hood, cut to size. see if you can find a shiney/mirror one but a white one will work. check craigslist too... you will also need a small piece of aluminum or sheet metal to make a 90 degree brackey to mount your socket and hood too. an l bracket may work as well. anyway here is a link to my diy thread, check it out and let me know if you have questions.. hope it helps..


Well-Known Member
almost forgot... you can use them as is but you will get better light coverage if they are mounted horizontally instead ov vertically. (unless your doing a vertical grow)