DIY Water Filter


Well-Known Member
Pretty simple concept, Top bucket has 4, "Brita Pitcher Filters", top bucket sits on top of the bottom bucket, pour water into the top bucket, water filters through "Brita Pitcher Filters" into the bottom bucket, and voila, there you have filtered water...



Sector 5 Moderator
You're growing in soil and nitrogen rich poop but you're filtering the water beforehand.


Well-Known Member
Running 4 filters "in parallel" (4 filters wide but only 1 filter deep), like you are doing, will only give you the benefit of a higher flow rate, because all the water only passes through a filter one time.

If you run 4 filters "in series" (1 filter wide but 4 filters deep), like "one on top of the other", you will actually get "Quadruple Filtred Water".

Just something to think about!


Well-Known Member
Have you ever used a brita filter before? I did a test with them and really the only thing they are good for is removing, chorline/ bleach and making tap water taste better.

I tested the PPM's at my last apartment tap water. They were around 350 and sometimes as high as 600. So my option was R.O. water.

I did a little math and thought I could save some money by switching to a brita filter. I measured the PPM's before ~450 and after it went through the filter. PPM's were exactly the same if not a little higher.

The test was on sink attached filters. Brita, Pure, Regular Tap water and Reverse Osmosis Water.

Now I am lucky and my tap water is around 250 PPM's. I just throw the water right into my rez. haven't seen any bad from it over the last 2 grows.

If the only concern is removing bleach or chlorine, or whatever they put in our water, I think you are cool with those. But if you are expecting R.O. water that's not what you are going to get.

Pretty cool little BTW.


Well-Known Member
They lower my ph from 8.2 to 6.0-6.5 and only took my ppm from 130 to 120 so the ph is what I use it for, plus I filter my rain water through it.