DMT extraction

I dunno...I may be confusing DMT with something else, but I'm pretty sure this will result in the same substance. I tried it, smoked it, and didn't get anything out of it, just tasted and smelled like I just tried to smoke peanut butter:

How to make Cebil (or Yopo):

In order to be absorbed by the body, the seeds must be prepared prior to use: 
--- use 1-4 seeds per person 
--- heat seeds on low heat until they pop 
--- separate the outer seed from the inner seed 
--- the inner part of the seed is used 
--- discard the outer seed shell 
--- heat the remaining inner seed on low 
--- stop heating when it is hard and crunchy 
--- crush the seed 
* * * * use a coffee grinder, mortar and pestle, etc. 
--- mix the following 
* * * * 2 parts seed : 1 part lime or shell : 1 part baking soda 
--- add a few drops of water to form a paste 
--- mix well and heat on low until material dries 
--- crush dry material into a fine powder 
* * * * use a coffee grinder, mortar and pestle, etc.
Juss get canary reed grass, thats the best for DMT, theres recipes online for making it with this grass
Yeah but chaliponga has a really high % of DMT like 1% compared to .05% or somethin like that for reed canary. Ive used mimosa hostilis root bark and chaliponga and both have GREAT yields compared to all the grasses (but the grass is free so i guess that makes up for it). well anyhoo happy trippin!
is it possible to do an extraction just using water then evaporating it on a pyrex plate like k? or does a water based extraction not yield a decent ammount of dmt
You need to defat get rid of the nasty stuff just stick with an A/B extraction man it will treat you well!
is it possible to do an extraction just using water then evaporating it on a pyrex plate like k? or does a water based extraction not yield a decent ammount of dmt

I agree with DMTER on this 1. You may notice effects this way, but an acid base extraction will leave you with a more pure end product.
How to make Cebil (or Yopo):

In order to be absorbed by the body, the seeds must be prepared prior to use: 
--- use 1-4 seeds per person 
--- heat seeds on low heat until they pop 
--- separate the outer seed from the inner seed 
--- the inner part of the seed is used 
--- discard the outer seed shell 
--- heat the remaining inner seed on low 
--- stop heating when it is hard and crunchy 
--- crush the seed 
* * * * use a coffee grinder, mortar and pestle, etc. 
--- mix the following 
* * * * 2 parts seed : 1 part lime or shell : 1 part baking soda 
--- add a few drops of water to form a paste 
--- mix well and heat on low until material dries 
--- crush dry material into a fine powder 
* * * * use a coffee grinder, mortar and pestle, etc.

That's a yopo snuff, and it contains the same chemical (n,n dimethyltryptamine) that they're talking about. I've done that recipe (only I used straight hydrated lime with the mixture), and it yields a very nice trip, for those who can get over the vomitting.

If you want a powerful ayahuasca mixture, you should check into acacia simplicifolia bark or acacia bark.

If you like, here's a tried and true method for n,n DMT extraction from Erowid DMT Vaults : Extraction : QT's DMT Extraction Guide
DMTER is right.... Mimosa hostillis in a polar/nonpolar extraction works amazingly if you want NN-DMT.... High yields and quality crystals..... mix a little lump of it in with some green and toke till you think your lungs are gonna explode..... enjoy the nasty tire smell and visit hyperspace for about twenty or thirty minutes......... Mimosa also makes a great ayahuasca brew too, with syrian rue seeds....