

just been hearing so much about this and also on maui! anyone herd of this or have done it. dmt is supposed to be a state of nirvana and is actually a chemical released by our brains when we dream and die! any info

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member has all the info you need...

Also just look through this section of the forum, their are TONS of threads about DMT...

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Kind SIR ...
YOU have found the door ... and are on the right track.
As My friend stated ...

THIS IS where YOU should start Reading ...

Also do have a look at some of our posts here in HS.
When YOU have a working understanding of what this is
come back and we will discuss !

And since YOU are not spreading disinformation ....(and I am a big fan of that)
Allow me to serve YOU a frequency ...



Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Q .. have YOU allowed YOURself to get Sphongled YET ?
(what is this new type of music you are listening 2 ?)
OP Please listen to my MAN Terence McKenna ....

And say Hooray !!
Listen to the lyrics ...

So YOU take let US assume 3rd toke long and slow ...
YOU vaporize ... and you take it IN and IN and IN ...



Well-Known Member
reading about DMT is as pointless and futile as trying to imagine what its like on the surface of the sun.
Decide to do it or not, make it or aquire it, and follow through.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't quite say it's pointless.
Learning the correct doses, what possibly to expect, and duration will all help in someway preparing you for it. Like if you didn't read up on it, then why would you have interest in doing it over something like crack?
I don't think anyone can ever properly prepare themselves for the experience, but some information definitely doesn't hurt.
It was reading about how so many people have similar experiences that sparked my interest in dmt in the first place.


Well-Known Member
Its more fun reading about it afterwards.... that way you know you saw what the other people saw, because it was there, not because of some self programing.


Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Brother ANC with all the respect in this world ...
Some of us 'leap frog' on surface of the sun everyday ... =)
What we are trying to do here .. is introduce OP to the right way of doing research ...
Without much redundancy as we reply to the same posts ... on the same old subjects ...
Also ... such research skills ... once developed ... might save the OP's life
IF he/she chooses to play with more dangerous potions down the road ...

Reading about DMT will never prepare the USER for experience ....
But it surely will inform them of dosages/types and equipment .... required.
The nasty smell ... as it vaporizes ...(so ONE might consider a better place to do it ... etc ...)



I love the smell of Ether in the morning ...
I don't mean to offend anyONE ... I am just a ROBOT ... =)


Well-Known Member
i have almost over played my shpongle but i could NEVER over play dear Simon Posford and Raja Ram. [shpongle]

lets just say i am taking a LITTLE break from Shpongle since I have been around the Enlightened Circle.
not saying AT ALL that i dont enjoy the music. but this is a time right now where shpongle has had his match on me. and its someone elses turn to help me in my life. :)

Shpongle definitely helps one reach the Divine Moments of Truth and experiencing enlightenment.
even without breaking through....LIKE ME!
i know Shpongle can help anyone.

once you have been realize you need to work on your life NOW.
and that the AFTER LIFE and dmt experiences should be a surprise.

once I did some studying on the 7 Chakras and found out I needed to do some balancing in my life
i fell in love with this band....



reading about DMT is as pointless and futile as trying to imagine what its like on the surface of the sun.
Decide to do it or not, make it or aquire it, and follow through.
self programming.... im quite tuned into myself thanks anys who are you to tell me to basically put up or shutup without any prior knoledg as to what it is or what effect good and bad it has on my body. but thanks for you concern


Well-Known Member
Sour, you must have misinterpreted my post, whenever there is the slightest hint of danger, I'd be the first to point it out.
However we are dealing with an endogenous substance here your body is used to and evolved to start breaking down basicaly as soon as it hits your blood.
I realy think if you listen to me and steer clear of trip reports and things like that (only till you did it a few times), you will thank me later.
DMT will show you things about our selfprograming and wetware you were not aware of, I'll bet my life on it.

Instead of knowing more and more I am only learning about more and more things I know very little about.
Acid and shrooms will unleash the occasional stream of synchronicity, but DMT is pure mystery brother.

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
ANC .... I just want to say that without YOUR presence .... the internet would suck BIG ONE !
And that would be terrible for ME.
There is not even a gram of sarcasm in this comment !

Sours ... ANC IS GOD around HERE

And that is cause HE is ONE of very FEW ... that actually KNOW ...

Sour, you must have misinterpreted my post, whenever there is the slightest hint of danger, I'd be the first to point it out.
However we are dealing with an endogenous substance here your body is used to and evolved to start breaking down basicaly as soon as it hits your blood.
I realy think if you listen to me and steer clear of trip reports and things like that (only till you did it a few times), you will thank me later.
DMT will show you things about our selfprograming and wetware you were not aware of, I'll bet my life on it.

Instead of knowing more and more I am only learning about more and more things I know very little about.
Acid and shrooms will unleash the occasional stream of synchronicity, but DMT is pure mystery brother.
There's a misconception in that video. The concept that if you go about that lifestyle, then you are constantly looking at your neighbor's bowl to ensure you have just as much as they do. When in reality, there are many many people living that lifestyle who only look at their neighbor's bowl to make sure the neighbor has enough. And with these people, that kind of success only helps their self-defined purpose in life. And there is no disappointment. I also thought that video omits a very important part of life: family and friends. Overall, I thought it made a rather selfish argument, although I do agree that the system doesn't work for everyone. Clearly it doesn't.

As for the main discussion at hand, I agree with ANS. If you plan to do it and you insist on reading experience stories... at least stay away from the bad ones. Because then you'll read about the guy who did DMT and was trapped in an alternate reality for 15 years. Then regained consciousness in his original reality and only 5-10 minutes had gone by. Kind of like the movie Inception.

Oops :)